INSPIRED? But for how long?

INSPIRED? But for how long?

We've all had those moments of inspiration, light bulbs above our heads or bouts of the desire to forge a path straight into our next big idea but...there has to be motivation as well as inspiration. In fact I'd say these two are the secret to a happy marriage when it comes to putting that inspiration to use.

Think of it as a steam train - old fashioned, I know. The train is your inspiration and the coal you keep shoveling into the burner is your motivation.

Not to get all metaphorical here but sometimes that coal runs a bit low and the train stops. I know I've certainly reached that point and I can tell you now picking that shovel up again isn't easy. This article is about how you maintain that motivation, to keep that feeling of inspiration and so that you can follow through with those projects or ideas that as great as they may be, end up getting left behind. Again, this is of course from my experience, I'm always enthusiastic to hear other peoples methods!

My advice, get in touch with your VABEs. If you haven't come across this concept before, I highly recommend Townsend's book 'Leadership Beyond Reason'. Essentially, your VABEs are your Values, Attitudes, Beliefs and Expectations. What does this have to do with inspiration and motivation? -Everything. Your VABEs are who you are at the core and they affect you more than you would realise. Ever been at work and you've been asked to do something and you get that feeling in your gut that somethings not right here. That would more than likely be something that doesn't agree with your core values.

For example, if one of your values was fairness and you were asked to put someone in an unfair situation, this would be right about the time you would hear alarm bells ringing in your head.

Everything you do, in some way or another comes from your values. So it only makes sense that if you don't nurture your inspiration with one of your core values as motivation, it is probably going to be hard to keep that metaphorical steam train on track. Next is your attitude, this is how you tend to express your beliefs or values and is usually conveyed through your words and behaviour. We've all heard the tell the fish to climb a tree story, what you tell yourself and the attitude you have towards your work is a major factor in whether or not you can keep yourself motivated. It's imperative to maintain a positive attitude and this is up there in the most challenging things to achieve, because changing your attitude doesn't happen over night. It is however, a necessary to step so that you don't end up shooting yourself in the foot before you've even had the chance to leave the start line.

Following on from attitude is belief. This I find is the most underrated of the VABEs, it is generally defined as either religious, cultural, moral or a combination of all three. Your beliefs are so much more, they are the accumulation of your experiences. Now this is where its good to pay attention to exactly which experiences you are basing your beliefs on. Sometimes you'll find your beliefs are an intrinsic product of your upbringing, however through self reflection you can look into your beliefs from a different level and choose the experiences that you want to be the key influences of your current beliefs. These things are fluid, they are always going to change on you, a lot of the time without you realising, so it's good to keep in touch with how you as a person may be growing and changing. We all know some people who need to open up their hearts and minds just that bit more (OK maybe a lot more). Your beliefs are an important part of your identity, whatever you do in life your beliefs are going to come through as part of your own personal brand.

Your beliefs affect the quality of your work and all your relationships because what you believe is what you experience. We tend to think that our beliefs are based on reality, but it is our beliefs that govern our experiences.

If you've read my previous article on managing expectations, you'd know that expectations play a key role in whether or not you keep up the good fight. Set those expectations too high and you end up disappointed, set them too low and you're just not satisfied - aka, you're doomed if you do and doomed if you don't. Well not really, it's about managing these expectations, just like everything else covered in this article your expectations can sometimes be all over the place and you have to reign them in and center yourself from time to time.

It's great to be inspired, to have this feeling of conquering the world, have your King Kong moment where we have to coax you down from the tower, the important thing is to keep your feet settled on the ground.

You could have the most foolhardy plan/idea you've ever had the joy of concocting but I can assure you there are always going to be demotivating factors (our lovely little trolls), and speed bumps that get in your way. Cue motivation deterioration BUT if we expect these things, and devise ways to overcome them, then your motivation HP will be alright. VABEs may seem like one of those concepts that everyone hears about at some stage but tends to forget about later, but when it comes to understanding what motivates and inspires you this is my go to strategy. Get to know yourself before you get to know others and you'll find by being able to understand yourself better and what motivates you to be inspired, you will be able to start noticing what motivates the people around you too. Be inspired, be motivated and..

Just remember, that Happiness is when
what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


Shivaraj Naregal

Adobe AEM 6.5 Specialist

6 年

Terrific Article! When there is integrity between values and actions, a reservoir of huge amount of intrinsic enthusiasm gets created.

Abdulazeez Soneye

Investment Advisor/Human Resources

6 年

Matija (Tia) McRoberts I'm inspired!

Got to align your VABEs... Love it! Great article Tia! So many gems to take away... "Get to know yourself before you get to know others", for example. I absolutely ascribe to that! Knowledge of self is a key step in maturing as a person and a fundamental requirement for anyone who seeks to become a leader to others.

Bertram Weston

?? ??????TEACHING LIFE????????

7 年

I been in a basket away from so many for 13 years, so I be around for long time outside of the basket, only to keep my 7 year old as my primary focus along with my god??????????????????????


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