Inspired by the Force of Nature
Gila Nehemia (she/her)
Principal Technical Content Developer @ Dell Technologies | Writing empowerment coach
As I looked up at the night sky I marveled at how the sky mirrors the beach. When I see blue or night skies with slow-moving clouds it reminds me of the beach with cresting waves. I was at the beach today and the waves were rough, throwing us to shore when it was breaking on us or if we went under the wave then it was pushing us forward. The sheer force was electric, so strong, the pull was like no other force of nature. Perhaps the push and pull remind me of my emotions and how these feelings can be so strong they can be a force unto itself.
The beach and the sky always inspire me to write to express my gratitude to nature. There is something spiritual about water. Many religions mention purified or spiritual waters. Perhaps because it is cleansing, it lifts you up. Listening to waves always calms me no matter how rough the water seems. What is this sound, this push, and pull, these ethereal waters? Why am I so drawn to them? Why does it calm me when I feel stressed about life?
Water reminds me that I am human and I can appreciate the beauty of nature. I can feel the water and the sand on my feet, all over me, and it is like I am lifted out of my body into my soul. I feel pulled to go to my center, to my core, to feel myself, my power. I thought about birth. Before I had my first child I considered home birthing so that we can usher in my daughter in our own home in the water. She was born in the hospital. Before she was born, I went into the whirlpool, as the nurse instructed me. I couldn’t believe how the force of the moving water helped my beautiful daughter emerge so effortlessly a few hours later. She was my first and I did not endure long labor. I remembered watching on National Geographic how the young turtles climbed out of the sand to swim to the sea. How some survived and some didn’t. What is it about the water that draws us, gives us life, takes life, and gives us power, strength.
I watch the surfers ride the waves, some fall, some ride the crest as if they are the kings of the waves. My kids and I like jumping the waves and we feel like we are ascending as the waves move higher and we stay afloat. The waves lift us up to another realm, a spiritual state where we feel inspired, ascending to another plane. This motion gives us the inspiration to forge new paths, pursue new ideas, and live in a higher energy level.
So the force of the water gives me the ability to raise my energy level, to see my life from a different perspective. Where everything is more fluid and there is no reason to control outcomes or to decide, things just happen…. It is the power of each of us to let the nature of the Universe guide us to where we are destined to go. I spent many years of my life contemplating paths to take and decisions to make instead of letting the paths show themselves to me. We have so many choices and it is hard to decide which way to turn but when you are open to receiving, then the choices are obvious since there is only one way to follow the path that presents itself to you, the easiest, fluid, authentic path. The one that is comfortable for you, where you feel the most present, happy and peaceful. Any other path is not truly yours because the minute you feel in your heart that it isn’t right then you need to trust it.
This new path I am on is where I trust only my heart to lead me. All other rational thoughts are not the choices that I will heed because it does not reflect my nature or my soul. It only reflects what society or my intelligence says that I should do. To live my true purpose in life means that I trust my heart no matter what others may think or say. To go with the push and pull of the water, the sheer force of my heart. I have been in many situations where my heart and mind do not concur, but since I have been following my heart my mind has no choice but to listen because it knows the heart knows best. My heart sees and shines the light within, it sees what the soul is telling me. It is my force of nature inside me running the show.
I realized the waves, the sky, the clouds, the moon all help me to turn inward to feel my emotions, my inner power. It is this feminine side that I have lost touch with for many years that I am finally reclaiming. It helps me to bring out the creativity hidden within me to realize my inner calling. It is those moments when I am the most connected with nature or another special living being that I feel the light within and the radiance of my power and the world around. It is time for all of us to reclaim our power and be inspired by all the gems around us that we ignore in the rush of each day. Open your heart to all the possibilities life offers, you may be surprised that what you find is the hidden gems inside yourself.
Gila Nehemia guides people to live a limitless life of unconditional love. Her mentoring focuses on trusting the internal GPS, our intuition, body, and heart. Her guidance helps people to increase awareness of their own divine bodies and heal traumatic wounds through writing. This authentic inner healing empowers people to live a divinely erotic blissful life.
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