Inspired by Captain America
Sheryl Maxwell
Sales & Operations Director at RMT Reliability | Enhancing Operational Excellence through Technology
"Captain America lives. My grandfather lives on." - Jesse Simon, grandson of Joe Simon, co-creator of Captain America
I had a fortunate encounter with Jesse Simon , the grandson of Joe Simon, the co-creator of Captain America at Pop Con Dubai.
It's such a precious conversation where he described how it was like to grow up with his grandfather. As he revisited these memories, you can feel how deep this connection goes. It's not only about comics and art, it's a story of 3 generations from his grandfather, father and now him. I felt so blessed hearing a first hand recollection of these memories from Jesse.
Jesse was with his grandfather when he finally saw Captain America come to life, just as how he imagined it, they finally got it right. Right after, Joe died. There's no sadness in Jesse's face when he shared this to me, in fact, there's a sense of peace in him and almost a twinkle in his eye. "Captain America lives. Every time I see Captain America, I see my grandfather. He's everywhere.", Jesse uttered.
I can't agree more.
As I share Jesse's stories to my children, they were so inspired by them. Connor took one of his blank fingerboards and started drawing. He said he will give Jesse a gift tomorrow when he sees him. I asked, "What are you making?" He replied, "Oh it's Jesse as Captain America. I want him to sign it for me so I can display it in my room and I'll remember his story with his grandfather."
Jesse, you are an inspiration on your own. Your grandfather is legendary but so are you. It gives me hope -- you gave me hope -- that one day Connor will have these special memories tuck deep within him to recall one day. We are going to enjoy your ShieldMaster comic books together as a family!
Thank you for giving us your precious time and energy. It's truly appreciated.
If you wish to get a copy of ShieldMaster, you can check it out at Kickstarter.
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