Inspire Your Workers to Spark Motivation
Motivation is self-driven; it is inside all of us. There are two main motivation categories: intrinsic motivation or internal desires or extrinsic motivation or external desires. One is even more potent than the next. There is a massive difference in employee engagement when their motivation is “I want” instead of “I must.”
Think of the “I must” motivation when it comes to working. Most “I must” motivated workers drag their feet out of bed, dreading what lies ahead at their place of employment. Many things suffer under the “I must” motivation; productivity, quality, and morale are just a few things.
Now to the “I want” or the intrinsic motivation approach. So that same worker gets out of bed with the “I want” approach. “I want” to go to work to make a positive difference in those around me. “I want” to volunteer for the safety committee to help keep my fellow workers safe. “I want” to inspire those around me to find their intrinsic motivation. “I want” to help people succeed, to be self-driven, happy, and satisfied with themselves and others around them.
So how can you inspire intrinsic motivation in your workers? Here is a list, just for you: care, be enthusiastic, earn their trust, build them up, stand your ground, admit your flaws, be an active listener, deliver constructive criticism, treat everyone equally, lead by example, acknowledge others, keep your promises and stay true to who you are.
So what are you waiting for? Please go out and inspire those around you to find their intrinsic motivation.