INSPIRE With Segun Oshinaga (A Revelational & Inspirational Devotional) Monday 1st January 2018
2. ‘But I have prayed for you; that your faith fail not.’
This is the heart of the matter. Jesus did not gossip to others about the impending attacks of the enemy on Simon’s faith. He did not castigate him or ridicule him but prayed for him. This is a pattern for each of us. We are to stand and pray with those saints under the attacks of the enemy. We are to do all within our reach to help the saints overcome every hurdle placed on their path by the devil. Our objective at all times must be to help the saints so that their ‘faith fail not.’
Unfortunately today, it is the saints who help the enemy to ‘get’ the saints. We don’t pray or care enough about each other’s spiritual, emotional and other needs so that they become vulnerable to the enemy’s tricks. Oh, that we will pray more for each other. Oh, that we will encourage and support each other so that the devil’s devices will fail. We owe each other protection from the wiles of the enemy. We owe each other care, love and guidance.
3. ‘And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.’
This is the Lord’s desire. He gave Simon Peter an instruction to strengthen his fellow saints when he has overcome. We each have divine instruction to strengthen others. Every time God gives us victory over a certain situation, He expects us to use the experience to help someone else. It is our daily responsibility to help to lift others up. It is the chief duty of every believer to seek out the weak, the struggling and help them to stand and to be strong.
Whose hands are you lifting today? Whose weaknesses are you helping to strengthen today? Who are you imparting the secrets of your victory to today? That is your duty. May the Lord help us each to strengthen the weak, encourage the depressed and empower the faint-hearted.
Help me Lord to be an inspiration to others who need it, an encouragement to the wearied and tired, a strength to the weak and give me always, words of comfort for the afflicted.
Thank you Lord
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Dr. Segun Oshinaga has had a rich and varied experience and career in business, ministry and government.
He is the Ceo of Productivity Plus, a training programme for executives in industry and also host of Productivity Plus TV Broadcast, a personal development, life enhancement programme.
He also runs Leadership Plus and Winning Wisdom Network. To invite him for training of your workforce or sponsorship on radio and TV stations,
Email: [email protected]
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