Inspire Inclusion AND Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress

Inspire Inclusion AND Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress

International Women's Day (IWD) is just two days away. Whether you choose to stand steadfast behind the theme "Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress", or the theme, "Inspire Inclusion" (or both like us here Women in Communications & Technology ), the sentiment should be similar: IWD is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and marks a call to action to accelerate women's equality.

At Women in Communications & Technology we firmly believe that to accelerate progress we must invest in women. The glacial pace at which progress has been happening, coupled with a few setbacks, has proven that gender equality isn't going to happen organically. The inequities of the past are too firmly entrenched to rely on the old adage 'time heals everything'. And, in the spirit of change theory, building the sense of urgency for progress simply isn't enough - we have to take action and put our money where our mouths are. We celebrate our Corporate Partners who have done just that - taken action by not only publicly stating their commitment to the equitable treatment of the women in their workplaces, but also through investing in programming like ours. Together we will advance these businesses through advancing women in the businesses - increasing the size of the pie for everyone.

These Corporate Partners are accelerating progress by investing in women and, in doing so, are also inspiring inclusion. It was the trailblazer, Billie Jean King, who said "You have to see it to be it", and the sentiment applies to businesses and individuals alike. Leading organizations inspire other organizations to do better; leading individuals inspire others individuals to unleash their full potential. Inspiring inclusion is a call to action that anyone can take on and something we strive to do every day at WCT.

Our choice to lean into the Inspire Inclusion theme for our IWD event this year was purposeful. International Women's Day is the day we've chosen to announce our 2024 Leadership Excellence Award winners. These winners represent companies and individuals who are allies, rising stars, trailblazers and mentors - all taking action toward gender inequity in their workplaces, industries and communities. They inspire. They include. They remind us that when we know better, we should do better. When we celebrate the winners amongst industry leaders, government officials, and EDI change-makers at the Leadership Excellence Awards Gala on April 29th, they will continue to inspire inclusion - hopefully lighting a fire in the belly of those in a position to advance the mission and invest in women.

So, however you choose to acknowledge International Women's Day 2024, remember this: words are meaningless without actions to back them up. Attend the events, listen intently to the stories, be inspired. Then, take action to include - whether that's through investing in women directly, in policy change or systemic change.

If you are a company interested in investing in women and advancing your business in the process, we can help.

If you are a woman interested in learning more, check out our learning and development community.


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