Inspire Change, Let them challenge you
Driving Change, Delivering Success Transforming Businesses with Vision and Strategy Execution
Matured organizations and matured leaders let people challenge them. Allowing people to challenge the existing process or status quo is a way of breeding leaders.
As opposed to a disciplined followership creativity and innovation let people fail. At the core it is the impact. Where there are no rooms for failure there are no scope to fail. It is achieved through strict discipline. Airline industry, health care industry there are no room for failure. An innovation goes trhough very restricted controlled procedure. However they are areas where we can allow people to fail while trying new things.
Balancing these two is the key to drive creativity and innovation in the organization
It is also necessary for small changes, projects and transformation.
An organization must adopt a process to manage those change and innovation.
It takes few things
Many leaders think that if their peers or team challenge them their image will degrade. They don't want to be a in a vulnerable position.
They tend to forget that vulnerability is an element of trust.