Inspirations from the real world.

Inspirations from the real world.

Are you looking for some inspiration? Maybe this can be helpful.

Work Hard. Be Resilient. You have heard things like that. But how to deal when you are just one and bills don't stop coming?

Here's a solo story. Not by myself, but my family too.

In the last six months, my family and I have faced the challenge of being in an international market. You do not know how hard it is to be respected when you are a South American, especially when you say you are from Brazil.

Of course, there is some respect because of my background, education titles, and whatever it is.

But, considering Brazil's troubles with corruption, political crisis, and all news from my homeland every day in America, sometimes it is not the smartest thing to tell where you are from in your first meeting or investment round. Weird? Welcome to real life, pawl.

Okay, this is sad. I am not glad about it. A part of me thinks daily about what I am doing.

I can say that sometimes you must face the challenge and not let the change pass away from you.

We, as Enlighten Company, designed in the last five were the result of years of consultancy services applying knowledge and studies about the future of business and operational models, which is pretty decent in comparison with global perspectives.

But here is the deal. How do we prove value, innovation, skills, and great mindset when your homeland is seen wrongly in the International market?

I know the concept of being an entrepreneur can vary. I am in middle age (considering our life's expectations, God knows...), and I am pretty sure I can tell the goods and bags related to building a business and hiring some pros. It is hard.

And in these last days of my business trip, I realized how many troubles we have in my country to keep going, to keep the door open.

In one of our studies, I realized how expensive and unproductive it is to keep several jobs in my country. One of the reasons because taxes, old-school labor rights, and no flexible labor rights considering sector, position, etc. You may say that is just a complaint from another baby entrepreneur, but I can guarantee it is not. In contrast to malpractices from entrepreneurs, we want to pay correctly and consistently.

Should I leave? No! Should I transfer to America, the entire company? Of course not. But there is much work to do when I return to S?o Paulo.

First. Growth speeding. It is pretty different when you are managing the other one's money. Of course, there is much pressure from investors, but these CEOs don't touch their salary basis. I touch. It is another ball game.

Second. It is time to teach less and receive more productivity from workers. From the beginning of my company, I decided to bet prepare professionals to be excellent to society and, of course, to my company. But, I see that sooner or later, they go away looking for a raised salary that a small company can not offer.

Third. Forget your past. A part of me is still a lawyer. Although I have many friends in the sector, it is time to move on because I create software and tools that will not convince lawyers to do their job differently. Sometimes my colleagues are too used to having their methods. It is not a quitter speech, but we have to pay the bills and go to other markets open to new ways of work.

Fourth. Lawyer thing. Litigation is a problem in the whole world. I do not know why we decided it is an excellent market to be in. I faced the myth related to "America does not have litigation like Brazil" and showed the fake news. They have a lot. But the FCRP is more excellent than ours. It is a fact they deal better to solve instead of carrying own just because it is a market to sustain.

Fifth. I like people. I like money, either. North America teaches us that no one can tell you how much your service or good is worth. By the way, it is disrespectful to do it in this country, but a common practice in my country. It is a cultural thing.

I can make a one hundred list of cultures, challenges, and differences. There is no way to keep the software in one place when several places are better than mine. And it will be a complete waste of my and my family's time and dishonor several work hours of my team to be in one spot. So that is why we decided not to keep the solution just in the homeland, especially when I realized it could be helpful in other countries.

You know... we aren't trying to reinvent places. We understand how operations could work better. There is no way to keep things right without tech products. I dare someone about it. But it would help if you chose to change yourself first. The style issue continues to be a big mess in Brazil, and when the CEOs figure out how many differences could be or problems avoided, they will face the problem with tissues.

You can run, hide, and be drowned when a big wave comes. Or learn to swim. It is up to you.

I decide to surf. For me, my family, and all my employees, I honor every day as best as possible.

So, what is Enlighten Co.? It is not about selling ready solutions for problems not prepared to be solved. Of course, there is technology involved.

But first of all, we are here to support your business and help you in the best way possible. Secondly, generate job positions, always. To Respect our folks. Guarantee job positions and hire much as we can, consistently.?

That makes me and my wife wake up every morning and say: Let's go!


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