Inspirational Poem

Inspirational Poem

A New Door

Author: Sev Seane

Key Words: Opportunity, Breakthrough, Closure

When a new door opens it is a set time and season for that much awaited opportunity.

When a new door opens it is a welcome consolation for all the closed doors that you encountered.

When a new door opens it is a reminder that one needs to have hope for a better tomorrow. Because giving up or getting stuck on the closed doors means that you will not persist to get to the open door.

When a new door opens it brings with it new change. Change is necessary especially when there have been many failed attempts

When a new door opens. It is reminder that yes some obstacles are big and that there is no chance to ever overcome them but that in the end a breakthrough does come.

When a new door opens it does the path behind it will be smooth. It may have its own set of challenges but with a positive attitude no obstacle is too great to be overcome. No obstacle is bigger that the power of prayer and The Creator

When a new door opens. It is a reminder that The Creator does answer prayer. No matter how long there may be delays but in the ultimate end there will be an answer.

When a new door opens it is a reminder that although some challenges seem beyond repair. The creator is still able to bring restoration

When a new door opens. It is reminder that no suffering is in vain.

Comment: Sometimes life has shut doors such as a sense of stagnation, experiencing failure ot experiencing a loss. Sometimes a door of good health closes. Sometimes a door of having enough resources or needs met closes. Sometimes a door of to a much desired dream closes. Sometimes a door to a relationship, marriage or friendship closes. Sometimes a door of life closes an unexpected death takes away a beloved soul. Sometimes a door of employment closes. Sometimes a door of opportunity closes leading to a missed opportunity

But a new door is a reminder that eventually there will be closure. A new beginning. May it be an encouragement to you. May whatever door you desire to be opened open. Not only open but open in the right season. For an open door in a wrong season could still spell misfortune

All Rights Reserved. Copyright. Sev Seane

Twitter: @sevseane

LinkedIn: Seville Seane


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