Inspirational Insights into Conscious Flow - 17th issue
In this newsletter “Inspirational Insights into Conscious Flow,” you will be introduced to the following topics: -
I am always at the centre of all that I experience.
I am at the centre of all my challenges and conflicts.
With the constant load-shedding in the past few weeks, I had to admit that I felt powerless to make a difference in this situation. What is the centre of my experience? It is my experience of helplessness. I had to admit this to myself. I know this feeling so well. It used to overwhelm me severely in the past. The overwhelm today is minor.
How can I come to terms with my sense of helplessness? This is the question that drove me to find solutions. While I cannot help Eskom switch the power back on, I cannot create the war in Ukraine to stop; I can acknowledge the fact that there is a world with an agenda which may be different to mine.??
What happens to me that challenges me is an opportunity to show up as the person I am.
Becoming aware of how I show up allows me to choose to show up as I want to be.
How do I want to show up in my inner world to at least find a sense of inner peace? With or without electricity, I could make little choices that were mine to make. I chose to stay off all social media for two weeks. I wanted and needed just to BE ME.??
Yes, I did continue to work. Yes, I focused on creating course content close to my heart.
I wanted to find my inner inspired ME again.
I used my sense of helplessness to be channelled into a new activity, which I did with great joy.
We take our power back when we live from our heart and intuition!
Our power is in our feelings. When we manage our emotions, we begin to live from our hearts, and we soon realise we are not so powerless after all. Once we start being honest, we begin to see the insanity of doing the same things and expecting a different result.
There are many ways we can train ourselves to effect powerful living.?
Do you have a question that you would like to discuss with me??
Let’s meet for a short online chat.?
>>?Click Here?to make a booking with me.
In Family and Systemic Constellations, we follow very few simple philosophies.
We are all One
The first one is based on the premise that we are all One.??
It took me a long time to wrap my head around this concept. As a traumatised child, I learned early in life that I need to be self-reliant in all aspects of life. I saw myself as separate from all and everything. Once I understood that all my suffering had a core element of exclusion. The pain of exclusion creates massive suffering not only for each individual but for all connected to the excluded individual. All of Life is sacred! Exclusion creates a dishonour of the sanctity of Life.
We belong to the family system we were born.
It is where we are given the first opportunity to experience the Oneness principle. Each family suffers when their system is dishonoured through any exclusion. What constitutes an exclusion? When we understand that All of Life is sacred, then any form of untimely death or murder is considered an exclusion.
Order is the foundation of any system.
Due to life circumstances, the family system may be confused about responsibility and duty. A parent unable to take full responsibility for the task they have as an adult will necessitate a child to grow up too quickly to fulfil the lacking obligation. It is a natural process that takes place subconsciously. This violation creates confusion in the family system. In a business, this is no different. Any person, who lacks responsibility for their duties, finds themself in a state of confusion, either individually or as a team.
Giving and Receiving need to be in equal balance
When the balance in any transaction is weighted in one direction, we are met with resentment on both sides. A gift is not a gift when the receiver is, for whatever reason, able to receive it. It leaves the gifting process incomplete.??
Do any of the above concepts sound familiar? We know them, but we often don't realise their impact.
Stepping into the Future of your Vision >>NOW
Recently I was on a call with a few coaches discussing current South African challenges and their impact on our world and the world around us.??
We focused on the question:?"How can we step into a future with Abundance"??The idea is that we can all be co-creators of an Abundant future for ourselves and the global consciousness.
This question arose from the awareness that we and others around us are experiencing challenges in the chaos surrounding us. The general unease is an experience of lack of Abundance.??
Covid is here to stay, even though restrictions have been lifted and life has gained a sense of normality.
The cost of living is rising.
Anger and frustration are on the increase.
This chaos phenomenon is not just a South African problem. There is a global increase in dissatisfaction.
How can we escape this dilemma that is part of us?
Be the change you want to create in the world around you.
That is a big ask.??
I want to encourage you to ask yourself:" How have I, as an individual, created my current situation"? More importantly: "How have I contributed to and co-created the increasing frustrations in my surroundings and globally"?
You may feel that what is happening in the world around you is not your problem, or you may take your part in taking up responsibility for your co-creation in global consciousness.??
What is your vision of your future, your family's future? Are your current thoughts, feelings, and actions supporting that???
I planned this Systemic Constellation Workshop at the beginning of the year with the intention of re-focusing and re-aligning mid-year for the outcomes of 2022. Little did I know then how timely last night's coach chat session would be.
The last two weeks I spent in introspection with the question:?
"How can I take responsibility for all the suffering I have contributed to the current global despair'???
I acknowledge that I have shown up in this world with anger, frustration, helplessness and despair. How has that impacted and contributed to the global consciousness? Hmmm, I wonder. I am not innocent.
I have taken it upon myself to have serious clearing-out sessions to let go of all the negative emotions so that I can show up differently with Grace from the Universe.??
Be the change you want to create in the world around you.
The question is, "How will I step into the future"?
Each of us is individually responsible for stepping into the future of our desires and co-creating the journey to reach our desires, despite the world around us appearing differently.
How you show up is up to you, despite where the world is going and what is currently happening. Each of us is in this current chaotic spiral. Nobody is exempt unless you want to exempt yourself from it. How are you going to do that??
The first step is to say I am responsible for everything I co-create in my world.
What are the thoughts, actions and reflections that I contributed to be in this global consciousness experience? You get the answer with awareness of the thoughts, actions and reflections you express in conversation or with others.??
How can you be the change you want to create?
You cannot change the world around you.
How are you now going to step into the future?
You can only change yourself.?
How do you want to show up in this world of chaos? I wonder what changes would show up in your world and the world around you if you can show up with the grace of peace?
I wonder what it would mean if you could show up with grace and peace?
Would that make a difference??
What would you see, hear and experience??
Every time you engage with negative self-talk or chitchat with another, you show up with the chaos already surrounding you. That is how you contribute to the country's disorder. Now we have an excellent opportunity to step into a path of healing and alignment to become the truth within us. A reality we had forgotten when we stepped into this human body that has been programmed since the beginning of the human path here on Earth.??
This planet Earth is abundant in all its gifts.?
?Abundance is in constant flow.??
I wonder what would happen if you could step into your future filled with a constant flow of Abundance?
What is the contribution that you can make??
The Systemic Constellations Workshop shows your limitations that prevent you from stepping into the future of your desire. Now is the perfect time to challenge your barriers and step through them into your world filled with the Grace of Peace that allows Inspired Abundance within you to flow.
What change would be possible within you that creates the ripple effect you send into the global consciousness???
Would it not be awesome to take responsibility for co-creating healing and alignment for the global consciousness to show up in a peaceful flow of life??
This planet Earth is abundant in all its gifts.?
Abundance is in constant flow.??
Let's do this!
Join us for a powerful opportunity to work deeply on releasing traumas and blocks that are sabotaging your energy system.?When there are blocks or imbalances in our chakras, it can affect our health on all levels of being - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Chakras govern various emotional issues, from our survival instincts and self-esteem to our ability to communicate and experience love.??
This retreat will use a variety of healing modalities, including systemic constellations to support you in unblocking your chakras and aligning your energy system. The process will enable you to access the fullness of your vitality and realize ever greater levels of awareness and expansive possibilities.
"I had no idea just how amazing and freeing these valuable chakra constellations would be".
Did the thought ever cross your mind that "things will have to change"?
Now is your chance to really BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THIS WORLD (COUNTRY)!!
I am looking for South Africans that want to take hands with me to make a MASSIVE impact in Awareness in the minds of every single citizen in South Africa during the month of August.
Most South Africans are currently stuck in a poverty, lacking and fearful mindset, and collectively we are creating a downward spiral in South Africa's financial situation.
If we can plant the seeds of the power of words, thoughts, and faith, imagine how powerful the shift can be for the prosperity of this country?
Join us here: -