Vaishali Lambe
Innovative Data & Artificial Intelligence Executive Specialized in Driving Operational Optimization & High-Level Growth | Client Engagement Strategist | Business Transformation
Many of us know this word. Recently while talking to one of my guest, it made me think about the question "What inspires me" or rather "What inspires us [people]"?
Lets think about this. If we look for a formal definition, inspiration is nothing but "the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative", "a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea." I think all of us, lot more times get inspired. Just right now if I think about it, I am inspired by my guest on my "SoLeadSaturday Show" and thought about writing a blog on an "Inspiration".
If we see the famous inspiration story of Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism who later became known as “the Buddha. What inspired him? One day, seated beneath the Bodhi tree (the tree of awakening) Siddhartha became deeply absorbed in meditation, and reflected on his experience of life, determined to penetrate its truth. He finally achieved Enlightenment and became the Buddha.
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