Inspiration is Not Transformation: Let’s Not Confuse Peak States With Stages in Vertical Development
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Inspiration is Not Transformation: Let’s Not Confuse Peak States With Stages in Vertical Development

I am sure every facilitator knows the sense of joy at the end of a long day of training, when participants leave the room with a smile on their faces, expressing gratitude for an uplifting experience, or perhaps proudly carry a list of actions for change they had co-created in some hours of intense conversations, reflections and engaging activities. There is a sense of exhaustion one feels when that room is finally empty and, with it, the hope that the change will stick. But does it?

My fifteen years of practice have shown me that it rarely does.

Human beings are brave and open. Take them out of their normal environment, create a solid space of psychological safety, bring in some developmental discomfort and see them open up, vulnerably share, courageously explore. Light bulbs turn on. Truths are spoken which had before been hidden. Tears sometimes come, and that’s a good sign. Insights and promises for action emerge. The commitment is real.

But human beings are also creatures of habit and creatures of context. Put them back into their normal environment, with pressures to perform, fears of failure and judgement, with nobody to curate the conversation, with real doubts on psychological safety and surrounded by people who have not been through the learning experience they have been through and see their immunity to change kick in and them promptly return to the dysfunctional behaviours of yesteryear.

Inspiration is an energising and nourishing, but ephemeral thing.

Over the years, I have been part of projects large and small, alone or with teams of facilitators, stood in rooms-full of hundreds of people moving/listening/breathing in sync - energised to the core and with tears in their eyes - witnessed moments of revelation, of true magic created by authentic speakers and charismatic facilitators. The experience was deemed ‘transformational’ by organisers and participants alike. And yet, research interviewing those same bright-eyed participants some months after the event, they could hardly remember details and many confessed feeling the inspiration and the impetus for change had faded fast once they returned into the hecticness of their own lives. Moreover, when measuring their vertical development after what was experienced by most as a profound learning program, a third of participants had stagnated, a third progressed and a third had regressed developmentally - and a large proportion of the latter group were those who had been furthest in their adult development at program’s start. So what happened?

Inspiration is NOT Transformation

This has been my most humbling lesson in this profession. It’s a lesson which hit me like a hammer when I first understood it and had me seriously doubting the meaning and purpose of my work as a facilitator. Why would you pour your heart and soul into creating what amounts to mere moments of uplifting energy, with no long-term tangible impact?

For some, there is joy and professional satisfaction to be found in overcoming participants initial reluctance and winning hearts and minds for a few hours. Others might pragmatically (and rightfully) say that providing inspiration can make good business. And yet, for so many other facilitators, neither participants’ admiration, nor good business are enough if they’re not followed by impact. My positive assumption is that most in this profession are aspiring to help create a good outcome, to see a lasting sign of our work in the form of more conscious individuals, more functional teams, more purposeful organisations, perhaps a little bit more wisdom visible in the world of work and perhaps even a slightly more conscious world for us all.

The reason I did not give up was that I did also see genuine transformation through my work - and by that I mean real, palpable, measurable change. It was and is much more rare than inspiration, but real enough to get me curious and give me hope that organised learning can indeed make a sustainable impact - on both individuals and groups - under the right conditions.

Theories of adult development provide an understanding as to why it’s hard for even the most uplifting experience, in isolation, to bring a lasting change on people’s behaviour.

It is the difference between States and Stages.

A peak state is a momentary feeling of barriers lifted, obstacles overcome, clarity of mind and heart, profound connection with those around you and perhaps with the world at large. A peak state is a moment of grace. A peak state can even be life-changing - as the recent research into psychedelic-assisted therapy has shown - because it can fundamentally alter people’s beliefs about the world and open up whole new possibilities for action. There is therefore much value to be found in a state that takes people above and beyond their day-to-day experience of the world.

In adult development we also talk about ‘fallback states ’ - which are the opposite of peak states. They are momentary regressive states where people feel unable to show up as their fully mature self. Those too are temporary. People always tend to return to the baseline.

A state - be it peak state or fallback state - should never be confused with a stage in vertical development.

Stages are much more stable planes of development. A person’s current stage is, in many ways, their baseline. It’s the cumulative capabilities and behavioural patterns they return to when they’re not either hyper-stimulated by inspiring environments, nor ‘pulled back’ by toxic ones.

This means that one-off, engaging, relevant, profound learning experiences can and do open up the door to a higher state, giving people a glimpse of what it might feel like to see the world through a broader lens. However, most often they do not allow for the time and the complex inner shifts and outer iterations required to turn that state into a proper stage. Again, experience from the emerging field of psychedelic research supports the idea that powerful states need to be accompanied by proper integration in order to create long-lasting behavioural change.

No doubt, inspiration does play a powerful role. How can people recognise the good if they’ve never felt it? Taking a glimpse into what is possible can be a powerful motivator for change. Yet I believe it’s important to humbly remind ourselves that’s only the first step.

So how do we design learning that goes beyond inspiration and does create the premises for genuine transformation?

Here are three of my own lived lessons and principles from working in this space and grappling with this dilemma.


Read the rest of this article on the Vertical Development Institute's Blog


This article is part of the Vertical Development Institute's blog series "Vertical Development made simple, clear and practical" .

Alain Cardon, MCC-ACTC (ICF)

Executive, team & organizational systemic coach, author-25 books, coach trainer/supervisor, keynote speaker.

1 年

That is exactly why I design change or transformation-oriented manager and coach-training programs that include 2hrs community-learning practice daily (including Sat. and Sun.) spread over a three-month span of time. Such training architecture details have much more impact on participant transformation than peak experiences and innovative theoretical content.

Ninez Piezas-Jerbi

Executive and Life Coach (ACC); KM Peer Mentoring Program Lead and Community Organizer, Chartered Knowledge Manager (MCLIP); Kundalini Yoga teacher (RYT 500HR)

1 年

Agree. In my humble opinion, it’s what you do EVERYDAY that matters. But as we are human, the humdrum routine kills the drive to do things - distraction, boredom, impatience. So bursts of inspiration either through a course or a bootcamp do help remind why we do what we do. And if one successfully gets to discover that gem that constantly reminds us of what inspires us, then this leads to transformation. My 2 cents… Great topic! ??

Georg Peters

Inspired Leadership. Transform. Renew. Create | Business & Digital Transformation | New Work & New Leadership | LCP? Leadership Coach | Fractional IT Leadership | Senior IT Executive

1 年

A spark alone isn’t likely to succeed in heating the room, a fire is. We can get ignited through singular events, but the fuel for the fire is somewhere or something else. The fuel in the tank alone doesn’t change the temperature by itself either, though.

Lisa Hough, PCC, CPCC

Executive, Leadership & Relationship Coach | Certified B Corp and Trained B Consultant | Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coach | Developing Better Leaders & Empowering People in Business and Life

1 年

Very interesting article, Alis! Thank you so much for articulating this… an insight I’ve been present to and was recently discussing with a friend. “Inspiration is not Transformation.” I’ve often said that “transformation is not the inspiring experience itself, but rather the change that happens following an insight when real engagement and action occur in service of change.”

Dr Marnie Gibson

People & Culture Leader | Culture Transformation & Engagement | Board Director | Doctor of FoW, Leadership, Employee Engagement | Keynote Speaker | Curious Enquirer & Researcher

1 年

Great article Alis and I totally agree with you on your points of the consultant being the work, and sustained programs with regular touch points. For me it aligns with the 100 hour rule or 30 days to change a habit, sustained timing, repetition and opportunities to reflect and correct are essential. I also feel this work chooses us, we don’t choose it. The ongoing work you do on yourself is the lived experience that guides others, but also maintains the passion and courage


