Inspiration: The Oxygen Of Business
You got into business for a reason: to control your destiny, to make an abundance for your family, to change the world, or even to better serve God. After awhile, your business started to beat you up.
The competition started fighting against you with cheaper options, a volatile market, the right people to help were difficult to find — the list goes on. Eventually, your vision started to die and you lost your mojo.
Guess what! Your mojo is not lost; your fire is not dead. The coals will never completely die — they just need to be re-stoked and given the oxygen of inspiration and passion.
You see, inspiration wears off just like a fire dims. If we do not keep feeding the inspiration, just like the fire, it will burn itself out. Feed it daily with good books, the right peers, and the right mentors. Feed it with strong relationships with people that believe in your vision and help you to nurture it.
Find your strategy to stay inspired, to stay on vision, and to run the course of the mission.
Live for it in every moment and watch your business start to flourish. Get a vision so big that it has gravity and draws everything in that you need to succeed.