Inspiration! Find me if you can

Inspiration! Find me if you can

I am, as you know, very philosophical. I think introspection is what allows us to be better people, every moment, every second. Better for life.

So today I feel like talking about inspiration.

The inspiration that allows us to “unlock” our thoughts, remove that veil that covers the best ideas that often looks like brick but – relax, it’s just fabric!

Therefore, I think the best ideas are those that seem “bold” “difficult” “unrealistic”.

These three words, to me, are unknown. They represent the hidden, the hidden that I never want to know – it’s caricatured but this “occult” sometimes seems so easy. It’s so easy to say “no”. "Not worth it". “It’s wasted time.” I think this feeling is nothing more than a challenge. I dare you to say you can do it! I guarantee, this is the ultimate challenge. Almost a business “hunger game”. Here it is decided who wins and who loses.

Trust me, always follow the path of winners, my friends.

But, after all, where to look for inspiration? Even when those closest to us don't understand us? How? After some time thinking silently about this question, I saw that the answer lies in the real question. That’s where we “look for inspiration”. The ability to see a ray of sunlight on a dark background.

Believe me, my friends, you will not be criticized, for one simple reason – anyone who tries to criticize does not know how to do it! Do not know where to start". Therefore, as “what is difficult is mission impossible” they will not waste much time trying to find a way.

So, don’t worry, accept the criticism from those who, because they are incessant in the unknown, have already been criticized and, after all, “resisted to tell the story to others”.

After all, perseverance is inspiration’s best friend. Without inspiration nothing begins, but without perseverance nothing remains. Therefore, I invite you to do this introspection. Will we be “one more person to criticize what we don’t know” or will we do it differently? That is the question.

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