Inspiration And Education At Prosper Show 2024

Inspiration And Education At Prosper Show 2024

March 8, 2024

by Greg Thompson

LAS VEGAS – As a first-time attendee/journalist at the Prosper Show, I came away inspired (that’s me on the far right chatting with the folks at Kapoq). I’ve been editing and writing the Prosper Show Newsletter for about nine months and interviewing many of the experts in this vibrant industry, but to meet in person is to experience the enthusiasm. Entrepreneurial intelligence is high among the exhibitors and attendees, but these competitive people were not stingy about sharing their wisdom.

I had a chance to chat with Spencer Soper of Bloomberg News back in the Press Room. Soper moderated a “Trends” discussion in the Keynote Hall at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and shared his thoughts in a March 7 Bloomberg article.

“I spent the past few days at a large gathering of online merchants exchanging ideas and learning tricks of the trade,” writes Soper. “The usually Amazon-dominated affair was this year much more colorful, with TikTok Shop, Shein and Walmart all making a push.”

I chatted with multiple exhibitors on the show floor who echoed the theme of platform diversity. Exhibitor Gilad Freimann at VAA Philippines told me: “This is my third year at Prosper and the show has been great. It used to be an Amazon show, but now it is diverse and brings a good quality of people. Of the dozen shows that we participate in, Prosper is the best.”

Work lives tend to be online, but Prosper demonstrated the power of in-person connection. The show is learning right along with attendees and organizers are looking for ways to improve the overall experience. We’ll have another chance to improve when the show meets March 25-27, 2025 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

If you’d like to participate with the newsletter—write an article or pitch a topic—feel free to send an e-mail to [email protected] or call/text to (970) 227-1002.


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