Inspiration Comes In Bundles!

Inspiration Comes In Bundles!

A Time To Blog...And A Time Not To Blog

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Used by permission from?pixelcreatures?via Pixabay

It has been that kind of week!?What does one do when one is on vacation from voiceovers and one does not have time to pen one's blog??WHY, DRINK MARGARITAS AND SLEEP NAKED OF COURSE!??Enter your credit card number here.

Forgive me!?You did not come to my blog for that.?My halfway kind of apologies.

As I did not have time to blog because my family and I were enjoying a little R&R in Long Beach, WA, I have decided to compile a little "best of" blog list for those of you who are shiny new, somewhat old, and those of you who are crusty and subscribe to AARP!?May these blogs inspire you, and again, thank you for being the best part of?The Voices In My Head?Blog - the readership!

For your perhaps RE-reading enjoyment, here are 15 of my recent favorites:


  1. NO THANKS. I ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING:?For those wonderful voiceover newbies who think they have it all already figured out. Allow me to clarify: they do not.?Nor do I,?after all this time, either.?Only?Paul Strikwerda, He Who Is Enlightened, Knows All.?Just ask him.
  2. HOW NOT TO FLY A DRONE INTO A TREE: Keep your wits - and your vision - about you in voiceovers and in life.?You are going to need them.?And be nice to your mailman: someday you may need him too.
  3. IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S ME: The perfect blog article to offend someone with.
  4. I KINDA LIKE BEING A STORYTELLER: As always, my now 6-year-old makes excellent blog fodder.
  5. THE INTREPID TALE OF A VOICEOVER ARTIST IPHONE-ADDICT GUY: I am just going to go out on a limb here and invite any of my readers to always buy me the next generation iPhone.?Please.?I need it for voiceovers, I assure you.
  6. A MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOO: One of my favorites!?In this blog, I dash your voiceover hopes and dreams, and cause you to grovel in the dust.?What's that??Oh, do not mention it!?You are?most?welcome.
  7. WHY I CHOSE VOICEOVERS INSTEAD OF ETERNAL TORMENT: Do you have a career that you loathe entirely and want to renounce for the glory of voiceovers??I did too.?Left it behind like a cold, abandoned wet slice of soggy pizza drenched in a puddle of rain water after having been run over by the garbage truck on a Tuesday morning in the balmy suburbs of Chattanooga.
  8. LEARN HOW TO WRITE – AND?THEN?COME BACK AND HIRE ME: Yes, this one is about voiceover script writers.?Bad script writers.?Script writers who should not in fact be... script writers.
  9. THE SCINTILLATING SAGA OF VICTOR & VICKY VOICEOVER AND CARL THE CURIOUSLY COVERLESS COVID-GUY: I am not just another pretty face behind the mic.?I can wax poetic about social injustice like the best of them.?In this statement I presume that a group out there named "them" does in fact wax poetic about social injustice.?And finally...
  10. YOU DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!:??Hey.?We are voice talent.?Bossing people around is our honorable profession.?Why else do you think I do it.?Read this blog.?It will be good, I assure you.?See??I just bossed you again.?And you will probably obey.
  11. HOW DO WE DEFEAT THE NOTHING?:?We all face slumps.?We have to successfully figure out how to navigate these downturn and emerge stronger than before.
  12. WHERE THE LILACS GROW:?- Take time out to smell the...lilacs.?It isn't just all about voiceovers and studios and isolating in our scream rooms.?Get out amongst the grass and the flowers and the air...and breathe a little, why don't you?
  13. THE 10-MILE VOICEOVER: This one is great because I am positive I was almost eaten by a bear.
  14. INDIANA JONES AND THE READERS OF THE LOST ART: Voiceovers truly are an adventure.?This is the very reason I wear a fedora and a whip every time I go into the studio, and every time I go back out I am chased by an angry boulder.
  15. FULL PERPETUITY BUYOUT FOR $200? SURE THING, PAL:?Sometimes clients ask the unthinkable and want us to give away the farm.?Don't do it.?Read this blog instead.


There!?I can check off my "Write a New Blog" task for this week with some glorious rehash, and I get to join the ranks of all of those sitcoms that were too lazy to come up with something new for that week, so they made you review all the best highlights.

You are cordially invited to put these in your pipe and RE-smoke them.


What Voices Are In Your Head?

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Used by permission from?Victoria_Borodinova?via Pixabay


Do share some of your favorite blogs in the comments below - alternatively, share what you love about TVIMH (pronounced (tuh-VIM-huh) blog.?I would genuinely love to hear from you!

Have a wonderful week in voiceovers, everyone.?Yes, everyone!?Even the crusty ones.




  • Like this blog???My children are counting on you to put bread on our table through the?purchase of one of my books.?Do it for the children.
  • If you would prefer not to purchase one of my books but instead hurl large wads of cash at me, please know that I do not refuse such cash gifts if it means I can pretend I am a church
  • Check out my whole UNIVERSE of blogs right?HERE!
  • This is a fourth bullet point.



  • S-UBSCRIBE & S-HARE!:?If you enjoyed this blog, please consider?subscribing?and sharing with friends and family, and encouraging them to subscribe and share.?Offer treats for doing so.
  • E-NCOURAGE:?Go encourage someone else today with a single, simple sentence of affirmation.?Tell them, “I like your earrings”, unless of course they are manly men, in which case you should compliment them on the size of their chainsaw.
  • C-OMMENT:?I want to hear from you.?Please feel free to comment below!?Comments with lots of “You’re wonderful” or “You’re the best” will receive instant approval and acclaim.



Need a voiceover??Request a quote today?or visit my?Demo Reel. Or?subscribe.?Or do other things.

Joshua Alexander

The Voices In My Head Blog

[email protected]???[email protected]

206.672.6200 / 360.339.1900


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