Inspiration Between Chaos | Storyteller's Life
Very often in this journey of self exploration and career conundrums, we forget why we are here and what we are trying to achieve. One of the biggest fear is that we are not going to achieve enough. As a woman, who is educated, works for a cause and is here for balancing empathy with reality, I often find asking my own self, "What is my story?" What is, what will it be? As I work towards carving a destination, I remind myself that I am living my journey, this journey of self exploration, this journey of doing my bit, of creating that dent.
As a communication professional, I have always found storytelling as one of the most powerful means to talk to my own self and to people. This, woven into poetry just makes my day better. It is almost amazing how at times my poems speak to others, as much as they speak to me. That is where I say, characters change, stories remain same, because we all connect to the story as characters across cultures and continents.
Here, after months of not sharing much, I am sharing an important poem I wrote to remind myself of the important stuff, of cherishing the journey as much as the end. Because, the end is yet unsaid.
At home, the talkative one; Telling stories untold
Dad challenging, “Be silent”; Smirk and shrug, “No, I wont”
College theories to practice; Patriarchy was debate
Then attend lectures by P.Sainath; And romance with a silent slate
Sitting in boat in Khagaria, Bihar; Wondering where I dared to reach
Listening intently to health-workers; What more life had to teach?
In Odisha, radio jockey records messages; Volunteering while struggling for food
Doing his bit, for all; Learning by doing is my mood
Sleeping below stars in Madurai, Tamil Nadu; No power in bulbs I see
Shining light within community; Is wisdom, enough for me
Cannot comprehend children chatter in Gujarati; But their rough hands showcase enough
Dropped out of school to bring home food; Education vs hunger, a development bluff?
Sinhalese women are encouraging; Building capacities of communities around
They say money isn’t empowerment, skills are; A moment, oh so profound!
I thank around for my learning curve; Silence and Words balance along
Field chatter beckons to me soon; Shiny offices don’t always rhyme my song
Education, Experiences and Energies Untapped; The investment on which I have fed
Money has been a means to reach my goals; End is yet to be said
Have something that speaks to you? That reminds you of the reason for being where you are? Share it with the world. Because, you never know, you might motivate and inspire others by you simple words, of self-faith.