Inspecting For Attic Ventilation
It is preferable that a house be constructed with soffit vents as well as ridge or gable vents. There are different vent types that may be used in the construction of a house, some houses may use a combination. While certain types may have advantages over others it is a well accepted fact that a house needs some form of attic ventilation.
Some older houses may not have any attic ventilation, or the ventilation may be inadequate for the size of the house. If you live in an older house take the time to check and see if the provided ventilation is sufficient.
Without ventilation air cannot circulate from the inside of the house to the outside. There are two problems resulting from a lack of proper attic ventilation that will present the biggest concern:
1) In the hot summer months heat will radiate into the attic through the roof surface. Houses that have no ventilation may expect temperatures in the attic to reach 140°F on a 90°F day. That heat will radiate into the rest of the house causing the interior temperature to rise well above the outside temperature. Not only does this make cooling the house a difficult and expensive process, but temperatures inside may reach dangerous levels.
2) In the cold winter months the warm air circulating through the house will pick up moisture vapor that is in the air and carry it into the attic. This is unavoidable, the moisture in the air comes from normal home functions bathing and cooking. However in a house that does not have proper ventilation this warm moist air is now trapped in the attic and will condense back into water in the cool atmosphere. The water in the attic will allow wood rot and mold growth to occur once the temperatures rise.
Regardless of the age of your house it will be worth it to take the time to check and make sure that you have the proper ventilation and that it is not obstructed. Its not uncommon to find insulation covering the soffit vents in the attic. Clear insulation away from the soffit vents, if the vents are covered they will not function properly.