Inspect and Adapt: Showcasing SAFe Core Values

Inspect and Adapt: Showcasing SAFe Core Values

By Marina Voropaeva

This is the fourth blog in the I&A series. Read the first three:


Inspect and Adapt done with purpose is the moment that enables relentless pursuit of perfection. The perfection, while unattainable, guiding us to continuous improvements to products, services and processes. Logically the Core Value of Relentless Improvement is seeing as the north star for this event, however we should not miss an opportunity to create a positive reinforcement around all four Core Values of SAFe: alignment, transparency, respect for people, and relentless improvement.

Inspect and Adapt in Service of Alignment

Although PIPe would be the cornerstone of working on alignment for an ART and its stakeholders. I&A allows the ART to check whether everyone is headed where they think they are and allows to check for common understanding of the current state of the solution and shape ART’s next steps to achieve the vision.

PI System Demo being the first part of I&A is tailored to a broader audience then the regular system demos after every iteration, and hence allows to gather inputs and perspectives from the diverse stakeholders to validate that their needs were well understood and met. RTEs must be diligent in ensuring that the right mix of participants is present to achieve this state of alignment, this is the key moment for early course correction. Having inspected the state of the solution during PI System Demo an organisation moves to the next Planning Interval with shared understanding of the achievement and challenges experienced and expected.

SAFe Core Value of Alignment creates connection of strategy to execution. SAFe Portfolio aligns their work to the priorities of the enterprise; however, it does not function top - down only. I&A is one of the key moments that allow to collect input for portfolio context, thus providing feedback bottom – up.

Additionally, I&A is the ideal moment to ensure ART and its stakeholder speak with a common language. This is achieved by sharing the overall view of the work that has been done and the resulting solution, these sharing is done throughout all 3 parts of the I&A.

Inspect and Adapt as Driver of Transparency

An endless number of things can go wrong during a development of a complex solution. Unless we maintain openness and present facts as they are, the decision-making is based on speculative assumptions and a lack of data, it is like driving in the dark without the head lights.

Transparency requires trust and Iamp;A is a great opportunity to demonstrate it. During I&A ART and its stakeholders are discussing commitments that were made during PIPe and kept or broken during the PI execution. The PI System Demo part of Iamp;A enables real measure of progress, while showing to the stakeholders the current state of the solution teams on the ART and its stakeholders can openly discuss what is the current state and what is reasonably achievable future state. The impact of the communication that takes place during I&A is long-lasting, RTEs should master the art of keeping the communication between teams and stakeholders open and honest, seeing the facts as friendly and as an input for future decision-making. Surfacing significant issues that could be addressed during the problem-solving workshop is key to fostering trust as well as turning mistakes into learning moments. RTEs and Scrum Masters, who can assist to facilitate problem-solving workshops, should focus on creating space where facts can be shared without fear of retribution or punishment.

Inspect and Adapt as Moment of Empowerment and Respect for People

Respect is a basic human need. None of the above can be achieved without treating people with respect, and it applies to all individuals regardless of their role in SAFe organisation. Multiple part of I&A each play a role in embracing and demonstrating Respect for People.

The PI System Demo part of I&A allows to show appreciation for the efforts the teams have put into achieving the current state of the solution. Celebrating the successes and failures together is powerful empowerment moment, RTEs should foster this culture of celebration, just as a good sports coach would.

The Problem-Solving Workshop within I&A is the perfect moment to channel the power of diversity of people and opinions for the continuous improvement. Creating work groups with diverse backgrounds and brining their perspectives and viewpoints together may result in improvement items that would not see the light of day in monoculture.

As an RTE I love engaging team members in conversations with their stakeholders to help foster reciprocal understanding of each other’s perspectives and objectives and thus each person’s development journey. Well-facilitated exchanges help to build problem-solving culture within ART, that in turn becomes the ignitor of relentless improvement.

Inspect and Adapt and its Heart – Relentless Improvement

At last, relentless pursuit of perfection is what give I&A its place in the framework. I&A is the major learning moment; hence it must be done well. The facts shall guide the improvements, collaboration of people with different viewpoints shall help to discover the true root causes and as a result construct improvement items that can be objectively measured and implemented within upcoming Planning Interval. Improvement type that RTEs are on looking out for help increase effectiveness of the entire ART and/or organisation, not help individual teams or silos. Improvements with impact on those level are welcome, however should consider possible negative impact on the lager organisation. RTEs shall master inspiring everyone at all levels to embrace problem-solving and improvement thinking and help to channel those effort to improve the whole.


Incorporating all four core values into Inspect and Adapt, the event can elevate its impact, create empowerment, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement on all levels of the SAFe organisation. To maximise the impact of Inspect and Adapt the right mix of participants is required, representatives of the ART and its stakeholders shall form a group of engaged professionals with diverse opinions and viewpoints, leadership is required, only leadership can change the system. RTEs should coach Lean-Agile Leaders on the importance of their engagement during Inspect and Adapt and their role during the event, as well as the input they shall collect for further applying it to shape SAFe portfolio. Inspect and Adapt though focused on Relentless Improvement, supports organisation orientation towards adoption of all four Core Values of SAFe. Implementing these Core Values creates mindsets and behaviours within the organisation that result in meaningful collaboration between teams and their stakeholders, all in service of delivering better solutions to customers.

Smitha N

Business Development Manager at AgilityPAD

10 个月

Great article! Alignment, transparency, respect for people, and relentless improvement are all integral to I&A's fabric. By incorporating these values, organizations can unlock I&A's full potential, fostering a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and innovation. A must-read for Lean-Agile Leaders #agilitypad #agile


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