Insourcing: The staff equivalent of “Cloud Computing” for Travel.
Steve Endacott
Chairman Life's Echo, Neural River, Neural Voice and Electric Car Organization | Travel Industry Thought Leader | Keynote Speaker | Sustainable Tourism Advocate
Guest Blog by my lovely wife Ruth Endacott
Historically, most travel businesses regarded their operating systems as absolutely core and built dedicated platforms with computing hardware that only they used. This was highly inefficient, as capacity levels were always based on peak demand, which meant for much of the year this expensive computing hardware stood unused.
?“Cloud Computing” now dominates. This is where travel companies share the use of supercomputers hosted in the cloud e.g. AWS or Azure, on a “pay as you use” basis. Modern technology allows each company's environment to be 100% secure and ring-fenced for their use when they need it, but usable by other companies when they don’t need it. This sharing of resources greatly improves efficiency and reduces costs.
?Travel Solutions Network has been set up to develop the same concept for “Sales Support” functions requiring human intervention either by phone or video conference.
?As with Cloud Computing TSN have abandoned the traditional central call centre location, with a network of “Flexible” homeworkers, who do not have to commute to work as they can use modern VoIP phone systems, laptops, and highspeed broadband to switch between travel companies’ systems, depending on their roster for that day.
?Under our “Outsourcing” model we encourage partners with “simple to book” products to staff their internal call centre operations for “average” demand levels, overflowing peak demand to our staff. This means their day-to-day operations are much more efficient, as they are not carrying unnecessary staff costs through the low demand period of the week, month, or year.
?TSN’s “Insourcing” service is required when book processes are complex, or specialist destination/product knowledge is needed.?In essence, staff are jointly recruited and trained by the core partner, who has first call on their rostered hours, but the staff can continue to earn and be kept busy by other workstreams if their “Core” partner does not need them.
?This yields the same benefits as cloud computing; in that, you can move from a fixed staff cost line to a “pay as you go” model to cover peaks in demand. It also greatly reduces staff turnover as staff can work from home and have a much steadier workflow, with average annual earnings 35% higher because of incremental commission earnings.
?As with cloud computing its vital that each company's work remains 100% segmented, but advanced technology and simple skill set rostering make this easy.?Each call is tagged and triggers a page pop allowing the staff member to answer using the company's brand and instantly access their booking systems.
?Having the ability to offer reassurance via human contact over the phone or video conferencing has never been more important. However, many travel businesses continue to damage their brands and waste advertising money by not being able to handle the customer calls they are creating, as travel demand surges back post-Covid-19.
?In the uncertain world, we live in, opening our minds to new ideas and being willing to share resources has never been more important.
Would you be willing to consider it?