Insource vs. Outsourcing
Pete Bennett
Pete Bennett - Highly Experienced - Web Database Programmer servicing fortune 100 companies primarily in the Bay Area. I have met or known Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Steve Balmer, John Chambers, David Rockefeller and more.
Intel Announces $7 Billion Investment Creating 10,000 New Jobs
The past 8 years have taken a toll on American workers. But now, we have already begun bringing OUR jobs back to OUR country.
Today we are excited to announce that Intel has pledged to make a $7 billion investment in Arizona, creating 10,000 jobs!
Companies across America are making the commitment to creating thousands of new jobs everyday:
- 11/29/2016: Carrier pledges to create 1,000 new jobs
- 12/28/2016: Sprint and OneWeb announces creating and saving of 8,000 jobs
- 01/17/2017: GM pledges $1 billion in manufacturing to create 1,500 new jobs
- 02/08/2017: Intel announces $7 Billion investment in 10,000 new jobs in Arizona
President Trump made a promise to this country – bring jobs back to America. The spirit of optimism sweeping the country is already boosting job growth, and it is only the beginning.
Over the next 4 years, President Trump is committed to creating new policies and embracing challenges in the labor force that will put America First in job creation, growth and innovation.
We are getting America back to work. And with each new success, we continue to make America great again.
Sign your name to support getting America back to work.
Battling Goliath
In 2011 I was contracted to PG&E by summer my car was totaled and unknown to me was during an arrest a few days later my business laptop filled with PG&E Documents was breached.
PG&E Files Stolen - non sensitive records
What amazes me how PG&E, US Attorney, City of San Bruno and FBI left me hanging. It didn't help that my witnesses were killed like Officer Youngstrom who gave his life so the those that grace the cities of this great country. The shooter Chris Lacey was traveling to San Jose for bogus interview but what I pieced together was Youngstrom was killed because he knew about my situation as did Deputy Carlos Francies also knew my story.
Today Intel got it right and one part of Silicone Valley decided to help make America Great Again.
I will be back more stories about Domestic Terrorism, Arson and Fire. What I know about the Deadly Ghost Fire it was Arson to actors connected to other arson incidents.
I was just surplussed. I've seen the percent of employees to contractors dramatically change in 5 years at my last employer, a shining star operating America's strategic asset, our communications infrastructure that supports government, industry, and even the military. Once it was 30% contractors to 70% employees, not that figure on average is reverse. H1-B isn't the only issue, I feel offshoring is a much bigger situation as America's major asset, it's communication infrastructure is open and developed by more and more nations. It's not just jobs, but our security as a nation. Thanks for posting this.