Insomnia in the Workplace
One of the headlines in my search for an image was "Insomnia and Early Death." When you can't sleep you should feel fortunate to have an early death. I had better get out of dark mode.
When you don't have much time to sleep and cannot rest in that brief window it is a terrible feeling. This has been an especially rough winter. Not necessarily colder. It feels longer.
My next trip is in a couple weeks. It is to a cold climate. If I weren't so close I would cancel because it is going to be more work than my job. Did I come this far to only come this far?
After my accident I was up all night. That is a terrible feeling at any point. On crutches it's not like you can easily get up and walk around. I was up until five finally falling asleep to Southern Cross by Crosby, Stills and Nash. That is a relaxing song and on the occasions I have heard it in ensuing years it became a song of comfort.
What comfort is there in the present? I'll get back to you on that. Sorry for not creating an illusion on social media. Some days are good, others are not. That is not how I want to be normal.
Usually I sleep on the weekends. What happens when I cannot catch up on rest? It's a bad feeling and right now anything I have to do lacks urgency. It will be there later. Should I call someone? That will probably result in no return.
What else is new? If nothing else I am not hungry so there is a chance at a much needed calorie deficit. Articles capture a moment in time. Some moments are better than others. I have revisited some and discovered minute details that fell away Such is the beauty of writing, even on a day that should be better.
Some bad mornings lead to good afternoons. Play the whole game. There is always more to accomplish. Hopefully with a decent night's rest. I never avoid sleep. Sometimes I am jarred awake and stuck in limbo for too long.
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