The great ideas run though my head,
as I lay sleepless in my bed.
My long-long night has just begun,
I think of all I have not done,
my novel, it’s not yet begun,
marathons that I have not run,
places where I never went,
and all the wasted money spent,
investments that went so wrong,
I never learned to sing that song,
I worry for the kids at night,
their problems just fill me with fright,
why can’t they both just do things right,
I worry about these things at night.
Perhaps when dawn is getting near,
before alarm sounds in my ear,
I’ll find the answers true and clear
and wash away this nightly fear,
so sleep will come for me at last,
and I will rest so calm and fast.
I wish I could just be a cat,
Who falls asleep and that is that,
not worry if it’s getting fat.
But now the Sun creeps in my room,
the time for work is coming soon,
the winter sky is filled with gloom,
the icy roads may bring me doom,
and I am sleepless in my room.
Alarm goes off and I get dressed,
for work I need to look my best,
as if I had a good night’s rest.