Insights & Updates | May 2023
Insights & Updates - May 2023
Thanks for checking out our monthly newsletter, 'Insights & Updates' where we share the latest news and updates with you right here on LinkedIn , rather than filling up your inbox with emails that you don't have time to read.
Audit Express CEO, Kevin Ekendahl, to present at the Institute of Internal Auditors 2023 International Conference
We are excited and proud to announce that our CEO Kevin Ekendahl has been selected to present at The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc. (IIA) 2023 International Conference, which will be held in Amsterdam from 10-12 July 2023.
Kevin's session is titled 'Belonging and beyond: The importance of auditing diversity, equity & inclusion in the workplace'.
Unlock the power of?embracing diversity & inclusion in your organisation
As the world continues to evolve and embrace diversity in all its forms, organisations are beginning to realise the importance of fostering an inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and included. Consumers are now selecting the organisations that they do (and don't) do business with, opting for organisations that are socially responsible, committed to sustainability and in alignment with their own personal values.
The team here at Audit Express are thrilled to announce the launch of our new?Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Support Program. We have specifically designed this support program to assist organisations that are wanting to review and improve their approach to DEI, both with their workforce, client base and the communities that they operate within.
What is involved & what is the commitment?
By signing up to join the Audit Express DEI Support Program, you are committing to participating in all parts of the structured 3-month program, which includes a schedule of activities, workshops and milestones, including:
In 2022, Audit Express was awarded a Small Business Grant by Globe Melbourne, which is supporting us in launching our?Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Support Program, and making this available to an initial pilot group of ten (10) community and not-for-profit organisations at no cost. In our commitment to supporting organisations to achieve excellence in their approach to ensuring Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, we are extending the number of places in our initial pilot group to also include an additional ten (10) sporting groups and/or small businesses that currently provide, or are aspiring to provide, services to the LGBTIQA+ community, or are seeking to improve their policies, processes, and controls that relate to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI).
For more info & to apply
Click on the following link for more information and to submit an application to participate in the DEI Support Program.
Professional Development Opportunities
Each month, we host numerous professional development activities, including webinars, workshops, forums and on-demand courses.
This includes our award winning 'Ask The Auditor' webinar series, which is a free webinar that we host on the last Monday of each month. Each month one of our senior auditors will present on a specific topic, and participants can then ask the auditor any audit, compliance or quality assurance related questions that they may have.
Also be sure to check out 'Lunch & Learn', which is our latest webinar offering. Our Lunch & Learn webinars are short, sharp and are priced at $24.95, making them affordable professional development webinars that can be completed on your lunch break.
The team at Audit Express are excited to offer our followers that have subscribed to our Linkedin Insights & Updates newsletter a 25% discount on our professional development webinars, workshops and on-demand courses. To take us up on this offer, simply use the discount code: 'Linkedin25off' in the checkout of our online learning platform -
For more information and to register for our professional development opportunities, visit the Audit Express Academy. Or if you want to discuss the specific professional development needs of your organisation get in touch with us today by phoning: 1300 73 55 41
Focus topic of the month: The importance of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Our focus topic for May is 'The importance of Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI)'.
What is DEI?
DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It encompasses the principles, processes and practices of an organisation, aimed at creating a workplace or community that values and respects the unique characteristics, backgrounds, perspectives, and contributions of its people. It involves promoting diversity by embracing differences, ensuring equity by providing equal opportunities and fair treatment, and fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and empowered to thrive. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are key features of modern organisation.
How to measure the impact and effectiveness of DEI.
There are a number of ways that DEI can be measured. One simple approach is to review and analyse the workforce demographics of your organisation. You can do this by simply reviewing your organisational chart and internal contact list. Does your organisation have a diverse mix of employees, across all departments, and at all levels of employment, from junior, right through to management and executive level roles? Another approach is to ask employees how they feel about inclusion in your organisation through surveys. This can help to uncover any biases or issues that may need attention. The retention and turnover of employees is another simple way to measure the effectiveness of DEI in your organisation. Does your organisation conduct exit interviews to find out why people leave? By monitoring these indicators, you can measure the effectiveness of DEI in your organisation.
Why is DEI important?
In conclusion, DEI is an important feature of a modern organisation because it cultivates innovation, drives employee engagement, and fosters a sense of belonging. By embracing diversity, ensuring equity, and fostering inclusion, organisations can harness the full potential of their workforce, creating a positive and safe work environment for all. DEI helps an organisation to achieve sustainable success in today's diverse and interconnected world.
17 May is IDAHOBIT - The International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination.
The 17th of May is the International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination, which is most commonly referred to as IDAHOBIT. The team at Audit Express acknowledge IDAHOBIT as a day for our communities to go rainbow, and to stand up against discrimination. Whether you’re part of the LGTBQIA+ community or you’re an ally – today we stand together.
But why May 17?
This date commemorates the anniversary the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases in 1990. Prior to this, homosexuality was classified globally as a mental illness.
That’s only 33 short years ago.
As recently as 1997, being gay was illegal in some parts of Australia – and until just five years ago, same-sex marriage was not recognised in our country. While we have certainly come a long way in the advancements of LGBTQIA+ equity, the unfortunate reality is that these milestones are very recent in our experience.
With this in mind, IDAHOBIT has two main purposes.
Australia-wide research conducted by 澳大利亚拉筹伯大学 highlights the prevalence of discrimination still occuring around our country:
But discrimination of this kind is not contained to the classroom.
When it comes to creating a world where everyone is safe to be themselves - there’s still work for us to do.
Our team here at Audit Express will be hosting an afternoon tea to celebrate IDAHOBIT. What does your organisation have planned?
For more information on IDAHOBIT and to download a free toolkit for your organisation, visit the IDAHOBIT website -