INSIGHTS: Progress, not perfection.
it is often not possible to develop and implement a full system overhaul in one hit

INSIGHTS: Progress, not perfection.

Step by Step

Evolution builds incredible complexity, interdependence, and leverage.

A massive truth often lost, is that each step along the way has to work. Richard Dawkins calls it the 'gradual walk up Mount Improbable'.?

It’s why some weird stuff can arise - for instance, we have eyes that are clearly not designed by an engineer.??

The wires from the sensory cells (rods and cones) are inside the eye! Causing interference and a blind spot, where the wires are bunched and have to go through the eye into the brain to process the signals.?

Not good design. But the eye had to emerge and work for survival at each iteration of its evolution. So we get what we get and are grateful for that.

Point being, in a complex environment - especially one that we are living and working in - it is often not possible to be able to develop and implement a full system overhaul in one hit.??

  • We are stuck with the democracy we have, and can only evolve it as best we can along the way.
  • There are too many moving parts, not enough time, and you cannot just switch it off - redesign it - and start again.?
  • It needs to emerge and evolve.?

Our lives, our work lives, are already part of an integrated and open, complex system.

We don't get to push the 'reset' button, redesign and restart.

To go from unfit with totally unfit habits, to 'fitness as a way of life', is a long way - and cannot be achieved in one step. But it can start with one step.

To go from 'technically skilled' to 'leader/manager' is the same.

But a form of guided evolution is possible.?We have the concept in mind, and we focus on moving towards it with workable evolutionary steps along the way.

We, unlike evolution, can use our intention to guide how we direct our attention in the moment.

What is the simplest habit or process change you can make NOW that is likely to make some step towards a better FUTURE?

Attentional Space

Our attentional space (the things we can see/feel) is limited.

In fact, very limited. Think of it like a 'newsfeed'.

It contains a finite amount of information at any given time, which can change rapidly - or get fixated on one idea.

For instance, if you are in a really good conversation, or are engrossed in a movie or book, your attentional space is filled with the unfolding story. During these times, you are relatively less distractible.

Deep focus creates a natural bulwark against interruption.

But this focus can be hard to get into and interruptions, when they do occur, can be devastating to productivity.

It can take up to 20 minutes to get back into the 'zone'.

How can you protect your attentional space?

  • switch off notifications
  • hide your phone from yourself
  • move to a cave in the woods...

Nigel Donovan

PS If you want some help, book a short chat and see if we can brainstorm your world a little and find some clarity.


