Insights Newsletter
Energy Circle LLC
Performance-driven digital marketing & web development exclusively for the home performance, HVAC, & solar industries.
Webinar Tonight!
Many states will likely be rolling out their IRA rebate programs this year. One?program includes a stipulation where rebate amounts will be calculated based on either measured or modeled energy savings. For the modeled pathway, contractors will need to use "calibrated home energy models consistent with the BPI-2400 standard,"?according to DOE guidelines.
Tonight, January 10th?at 5:00 PM EST, Energy Circle founder Peter Troast will be joined by BPI CEO Larry Zarker and Pearl Certification co-founder Robin LeBaron to discuss what the 2400 standard is and how proposed updates will address situations where historical energy consumption data is unavailable. Contractors will learn how they can start planning for the use of energy modeling software in order to participate in forthcoming IRA rebate programs.
Is your company or organization in the HVAC, home performance, or solar industries? Here are 11 podcasts you should be subscribed to in 2024 to get the best industry knowledge available.
Short on time but looking for a recap of our most recent webinar? Our webinar highlight videos cover key takeaways in under 2 minutes! In our most recent video,?Energy Circle CEO and Founder Peter Troast hosts a roundtable discussion with home performance, HVAC, and solar contractors to get their thoughts on the year ahead.
Take a look at our data-driven predictions for next year’s marketing trends and how they’ll affect your home performance, HVAC, or solar business in 2024. Start the new year with a conversation with Energy Circle today.
Don't forget to focus on what brings customers to you in the first place—your services. Talk about issues your customers are looking for solutions to. — Bethany V., Content Writer