Insights from SaaStr Europe 2022 →(3/3) What a great hire looks like?
Recently I had a chance to participate in the SaaStr Europe conference in Barcelona. #SaaStrEurope I listed some key slides and insights myself from this great event.?Slides cannot transfer the whole learning experience, but I am sharing them anyway:)
What a great hire looks like??
Hiring in SaaS is challenging since the talent market is relatively young, and there is not enough experience to bring/buy.
Often, in recruiting processes, when hiring a new role for the first time (and that is often the scenario when you grow), we list the ‘ideal profile’ characteristics, but we do not have enough experience to know?what a great hire looks like.
Often, a hiring decision is a wild guess, no matter how much you prepare and how many Jason’s blogs you read:).
Therefore, SaaS experts advise all leaders to do informal interviews constantly to increase the chance for success.
Increase your network, get to know various people, and meet those who previously hired the same profile.
You will have more info on WHAT A GREAT LOOKS LIKE.?
It maybe seems obvious, but the real question is - why arent we doing this if its working?