Summarizing the eight market trends for optical networking that are shaping up in 2024
#1. 400G Pluggable Deployments in Telecoms: The industry will see a significant rise in the use of 400G pluggable technology, especially in communication service provider (CSP) networks. These pluggables offer enhanced performance and operational features suitable for traditional network operators.
#2. Maximizing Fiber Capacity at Shannon's Limit: Network operators will adopt new strategies to maximize data transmission on each fiber, due to nearing the spectral efficiency limit. This includes expanding the usable spectrum and leveraging technologies like Super C-band and Super L-band to significantly increase fiber capacity.
#3. Modular Automation in Open Networking: A shift towards modular, standardized automation will be seen in network management. This approach, balancing efficiency and innovation, addresses the complexities of open network operations.
#4. Emergence of 800G Pluggables: The introduction of 800G pluggable optics based on 5-nm DSP technology will occur, but widespread adoption is expected to await the next generation of 3-nm DSP solutions with enhanced features.
#5. Terabit Wavelengths Redefine Capacity Standards: The deployment of wavelengths capable of over 1.2T capacity will begin, with significant increases expected in the following year. This marks a step forward in capacity standards.
#6. AI/ML Traffic Boom in Data Center Connectivity: The explosion of AI and ML applications demands higher capacity and improved connectivity solutions. Innovations like 100G SERDES and co-packaged optics are in discussion to meet these needs.
#7. Advancement in 800G Coherent Pluggables Standards: Ongoing development and standardization of 800G coherent pluggables will continue, with discussions on standards for 1.6T coherent pluggables beginning.
#8. Government Funding in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Announcements regarding government-funded grants to enhance domestic semiconductor manufacturing are expected, aiming to improve supply chain security and technology leadership.
Read the original post "Optical Networking in 2024 - Lighting the Way Forward" from Rob Shore Senior VP of Infinera's Global Marketing.