Insights from Reading "YOU CAN"

Insights from Reading "YOU CAN"

"YOU CAN " a book by George Matthew Adams ,a deep thoughtful and impact generating book comprising of works of Napoleon Hill's "THINK AND GROW RICH" and complied with commentary by Don M. Green.


I remember last week after getting trapped in a lot of tensed and heated up environment, when i was asking myself "Am I on right path?" "Why am I going through all this " "IS this ,what i deserved " and i the amidst of all this question i was stuck in the mirage of self doubt and dead self esteem, after that i remember mine long lost habit of reading especially after my second semester papers. So I decided to pick up my pen again and jot down all the problems to help me narrow my search of the books.

I went to amazon look out for books and got up with this "YOU CAN " (YOU CAN) read the reviews ,its preview and finally decided that it might be the exactly one i was looking for. I ordered and after two days it was in my hand.

The first thing i know in order to get out this dogma of confusion , lacking self confidence was to "Do the right thing and to do it every day" to summarize "Create Habits" and being Persistent in "following it day in and day out. "First you think about the work then you work around the think".

Here are the insights and the valuable lessons that i grasped from this book.

  • YOU CAN- To achieve anything in your life from simplest to most complex ,start by realizing your full potential, the inherited IRON WILL , Take command of yourself and then START FOR IT. "The thing always happens that you really believe in and the belief in a thing makes it happen "
  • 50-50 - You get what you give. Be glad to give as much as you take. "The fragnance always stays in the hand that gives the rose "
  • Silence-Silent man is the usually the thinking man and the silent worker is the Get-Things-Done worker. Silence as a rule of daily lifeconduct makes you big and powerfull.Fewer words more Deed doing"Silence has one major advantage: it gives no one a clue as what your next move will be"
  • Character-Character is the sum total,worth while,of what a man has after he has won all and the sole thing he has left after he has lost all. Character is power "It is impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself"
  • Mistakes-There are two kinds of mistakes .Those that happen from ordinary human mis-thinking and those that come from carelessness and petty un-thinking. "Study Your Mistakes" ."The greatest mistake you will make in life is to continually fear you will you"
  • Ruts-One of the important lessons of this life is to learn to keep out of ruts. Everyone is bound to strike them at times. But they should be gotten out of-immediately." Keep your eyes open and mind awake"
  • Togethere - TO GET THERE. "Where there is will there is way"
  • WIN-The very first commandment in the decalogue of winning is to "Keep your chin up". Winning is a thing within -then out "Where there is nothing to lose by trying,and a great deal to gain if successful,by all means try"
  • Time-Learn to use your time ,for if you dont it'll pass on,never to return -coldly mindless of your sorrow and smoothly as does this aged Earth move in its path,so does Time move on. It never stops to tie it's shoestrings. IT NEVER WAITS "Dost thou you love life? Then do not squander time,for that's the stuff life is made of".

the main points for each chapter of "You Can!" by George Matthew Adams:


  • Encourages readers to believe in their potential.
  • Sets the tone for the book's motivational and inspirational content.
  • Emphasizes the importance of self-belief and a positive mindset.

Chapter 1: The Power of Thought

  • Explores how thoughts shape reality.
  • Highlights the importance of positive thinking.
  • Discusses techniques for cultivating a positive mindset.

Chapter 2: The Force of Habit

  • Explains how habits influence success.
  • Offers strategies for forming positive habits.
  • Stresses the need to break free from negative habits.

Chapter 3: The Value of Time

  • Emphasizes the importance of time management.
  • Provides tips for making the most of one's time.
  • Discusses the concept of living in the present moment.

Chapter 4: The Necessity of a Purpose

  • Explores the significance of having a clear purpose.
  • Guides readers on how to discover their purpose.
  • Connects purpose to motivation and achievement.

Chapter 5: The Price of Success

  • Describes the effort and sacrifice needed for success.
  • Discusses perseverance and resilience.
  • Highlights stories of successful individuals who overcame obstacles.

Chapter 6: The Art of Concentration

  • Stresses the importance of focus and concentration.
  • Offers techniques for improving concentration.
  • Explains how concentration leads to better productivity and success.

Chapter 7: The Joy of Work

  • Discusses finding joy and fulfillment in work.
  • Encourages a positive attitude towards work.
  • Shares examples of individuals who love their work.

Chapter 8: The Use of Enthusiasm

  • Highlights the role of enthusiasm in achieving success.
  • Provides methods for cultivating and maintaining enthusiasm.
  • Explains how enthusiasm can inspire and motivate others.

Chapter 9: The Dignity of Simplicity

  • Advocates for a simple and uncluttered lifestyle.
  • Discusses the benefits of simplicity in thought and action.
  • Offers practical advice for simplifying one's life.

Chapter 10: The Success of Economy

  • Emphasizes the importance of financial prudence and economy.
  • Provides tips for managing finances wisely.
  • Discusses the link between financial stability and success.

Chapter 11: The Necessity of Courage

  • Explores the role of courage in overcoming challenges.
  • Encourages readers to face their fears.
  • Shares stories of courageous individuals who achieved success.

Chapter 12: The Value of Honesty

  • Stresses the importance of honesty and integrity.
  • Explains how honesty builds trust and respect.
  • Discusses the long-term benefits of being honest.

Chapter 13: The Power of Kindness

  • Advocates for kindness in personal and professional life.
  • Explains how kindness can positively impact relationships.
  • Provides examples of how kindness leads to success.

Chapter 14: The Duty of Gratitude

  • Highlights the importance of being grateful.
  • Discusses the positive effects of gratitude on mental well-being.
  • Offers ways to practice gratitude daily.

Chapter 15: The Advantage of Cheerfulness

  • Explores the benefits of maintaining a cheerful disposition.
  • Provides tips for staying cheerful even in tough times.
  • Explains how cheerfulness can attract opportunities and success.


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