Insights from Kusi Ideas Festival

Insights from Kusi Ideas Festival

Greetings PulaSpace community,

The Kusi Ideas Festival, centered around the theme "Africa's Agenda 2063: Making the Dream Come True," unfolded as an inspiring journey of insights and revelations. Here are the key takeaways that left us motivated and equipped to contribute to Africa's future:

Economic Independence: Wilfred-David Kiboro emphasized that, after 60 years of independence, blaming colonial history isn't a solution. He urged us to economize our mindset, acknowledging that progress begins with self-reliance.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Power-packed panel discussions illuminated the path to achieving the SDGs by 2063. The Presidential panel set the stage, discussing Africa's journey and the imperative steps required.

Integrated Market: The "Faces of an Integrated Market" panel, featuring Admassu Tadesse, Phyllis Wakiaga, and Keletsositse Olebile, highlighted opportunities in energy, the 4th industrial revolution, AI, and green transmission. A shared sentiment emerged: challenges are surmountable through collaborative efforts.

Youth Empowerment: "When African Youth Get Behind the Wheel" stressed the importance of succession planning. Recognizing the youth as key drivers of change, this panel underscored the need for collective action.

(due credits to Daily News)

Government's Role: The "Scorecard" panel emphasized government's pivotal role in achieving SDGs. L Boyce Sebetela debunked the narrative of Africa's failure, urging belief in progress. Government and youth, he asserted, must collaborate for transformative change.

Special thanks to the Government of Botswana, BITC, Brand Botswana and His Excellency, President Mokgweetsi Eric Masisi



