Insights Discovery Team Days: The key to a more communicative and better performing team.

Insights Discovery Team Days: The key to a more communicative and better performing team.

Could your team be communicating more effectively?

If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. Poor communication leads to confrontation, mistakes and misunderstandings. Any of these can wreck team productivity.

Communication difficulties are something you really want to fix. If you avoid addressing interpersonal difficulties in your workplace the chances are they’ll start to fester. Resentment will build and minor issues can snowball into a major crisis.

An Insights Discovery Team Day could be the key to maximising performance in your team by enhancing trust and improving communication.

Now, you might think that an Insights Discovery Team Day is just another team building course. Jargon laden, fluffy and ultimately pointless. Maybe you’ve tried similar courses before but didn’t really see any benefit.

However, Insights Discovery is different and here’s why:

Insights Discovery Team Days help everyone in your team feel listened to

Every team and organisation has a dominant language and communication style. These develop naturally over time as an organisation grows and they’re a vital part of creating a sense of belonging and cohesion. If you think about your team you can probably identify one or two people who communicate a little differently to the majority. This diversity can be a powerful tool however it’s easy for these individuals to feel like they don’t fit in. The isolation that results can make it impossible for these team members to perform at their best.

People work well in environments where they feel listened to and understood. You can probably remember a workplace where this wasn’t the case. Perhaps you had a manager who resisted any and all change with a stubbornness that would make a mountain blush. Or maybe you worked with a colleague who dominated meetings leaving no time for anyone else to get their point across. These scenarios are common and most stem from poor awareness of how our communication style affects those on the receiving end.

Most people don't really think deeply about how they interact with the people around them. This isn’t a criticism. Frankly there’s more to life than musing about whether you’re a perceptive and innovative or forward looking and quick thinking communicator. Yet, understanding how we communicate and relate to others is the key to an open and efficient team.

This is where an Insights Discovery Team Day comes in. Everyone gets the opportunity to understand how they like to communicate. Do they lead with a Fiery Red preference, a Sunshine Yellow preference, an Earth Green preference or a Cool Blue preference?

There’s also time for the team to consider how they can work together to accommodate each individuals preferred communication style. At the end of the day everyone goes home knowing a bit more about themselves and their colleagues. This knowledge is powerful and when it’s implemented your people will get the best out of each other, no matter how they communicate.

Insights Discovery Team Days prepare your team for difficult conversations

Anything from poor timekeeping to negativity can provoke a difficult conversation. Difficult conversations are something you can have to deal with frequently and with little warning. This begs the question: are you prepared?

Handled poorly a difficult conversation can result in friction, upset and worst case scenario, resignations. They can leave otherwise well performing team members feeling demotivated and undervalued. More often than not a difficult conversation stems from a minor, but important thing a team is (or isn't) doing. It’s something that matters but it isn’t a long term performance or conduct issue.

Handled well these conversations can serve as critical teaching and learning moments. Little areas of underperformance or negative attitudes can be highlighted without anyone feeling uncomfortable or getting upset. Sometimes all it takes to clear the cloud hanging over your office is a well-timed, well-structured conversation.

An Insights Discovery Team Day will give you all the tools you need turn awkward conversations into transformative discussions. Towards the end of the day everyone on your team will get the chance to practice a tricky conversation. The exercises will pull together everything you’ve learned throughout the day about personalities and preferred communication styles. If you’re all feeling particularly brave you can choose to have these chats with people you’ve found hard to deal with in the past.

Having the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned in a safe environment means you’ll all head back to work confident in your ability to overcome any conflict.

Insights Discovery Team Days help you better understand your customers

There’s nothing secret or special about good sales techniques. Despite what you may or may not have read, sales is simply the art of communication. You’ve got to move your potential buyer from point A to point B through conversation. That’s it. All the sales hacks in the world won’t beat a strong communicator. Similarly when it comes to building long term, profitable client relationships communication matters.

There’s probably been times where you’ve lost sales or didn’t win repeat businesses. This might have been a result of something out of your control like budgets or your service not being the right fit. However, if you’re honest and really analyse the interaction you’ll probably find that communication played a bigger role than you first thought.

Client and customer relationships take time and care to build. Part of that process is establishing rapport and trust. Even if you have clear buyer profiles, the people in the organisations who make the decisions might not all communicate in the same way. Think about your own team and all of the different personalities you work with every day. Unless you’re dealing with sole traders or one person companies you’re going to come across different personalities and communication styles at different points in the sales process. Being able to effortlessly adjust your communication to suit the needs of the individual you’re dealing with could mean the difference between a sale won or lost.

On an Insights Discovery Team Day you’ll learn all about different communication styles and how they interact with one another. The Insights Discovery system looks at the three dimensions of personality: sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and introversion-extroversion. Once the theory is covered there’ll be plenty of examples to work through to help you and your team understand how these attributes work in the real world. By the end of the day you’ll be equipped to identify different personality types and alter your communication accordingly. You can even use this knowledge to match your people to their people and allocate the right person to the right account.

Insights Discovery Team Days help you transform your culture with a common language

Transformational change is a challenge more and more businesses are facing with increasing regularity. Both the public and private sectors are facing new technologies, cultural norms and a competitive landscape unlike anything we’ve seen before. As a result, agility and adaptability, are critical attributes all organisations need to survive and thrive in the coming years.

We’re communicating with one another more frequently and through more channels than ever before. You don’t have to go back too far to find a world without social media, mobile phones or even the internet. Back then our days were mostly spent interacting with a few people we knew well. Even in large professional organisations, most communication between offices was over the phone or via the post. These are mediums which by nature were far more controlled and predictable meaning the impact of conflicting communication styles was somewhat mitigated.

Being able to adapt the way you communicate to the ever changing digital and cultural landscape can mean the difference between a win or a loss. Not only that, developing a common language within your organisation will help towards a more open, collaborative culture. Your Insights Discovery Team Day can be tailored to equip your leaders and managers with the skills they need to drive change within your business. Developing a common language in your organisation is a challenge that requires sensitivity to and understanding of why people communicate the way that they do.

By raising self-awareness in your leaders through a detailed, 20+ page personalised report and individual or group coaching sessions your leaders will finish the day ready to tackle all of the challenges that come with transformational change. With a deeper understanding of how communication styles and language impacts culture, your leaders will be able to identify patterns and trends within your organisation. This will enable them to devise an organisational language that speaks to everyone.

Will an Insights Discovery Team Day benefit my organisation?


However, we’d have to have a conversation to work this out.

What we do is based on what you want and need. A large corporate organisation will be facing very different challenges to a recent start-up but the Insights Discovery system is flexible enough to help either overcome their communication challenges.

No matter your size or sector, an Insights Discovery Team Day will help your teams communicate more effectively and perform at their peak.

If you’re ready to explore how an Insights Discovery Team day could benefit your organisation the best thing to do is to direct message me and let's start a conversation.


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