Insight Roundup - May

Insight Roundup - May

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Is ESG Just Common Sense?

According to a new global survey of C-suite executives, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts have slipped lower on corporate priority lists. The business media site (all lower-case), which serves sustainability, energy, and environmental professionals, reports that The Harris Poll surveyed more than 1,476 top-level executives in 16 countries for the second year and found that ESG efforts “fell from the number one priority for businesses to third in 2023.” The top two priorities were “driving revenue and growth” and “optimizing client relations.”

Click on "Read More" to read the full article.


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Picture this scene: A child sits at a desk, slumped in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, a look of defeat on his face. “I can’t do these math problems,” he complains. “They’re too hard. I give up.” An adult who has been in waiting in the background steps closer and says…

You can fill in the rest. The adult probably says something like, “when you face a tough challenge, don’t give up. If you keep trying, it will get easier, but if you give up, it won’t.” Of course, this advice applies to many things other than learning math. In this article, we get into what it means for the challenges of obtaining reliable ESG-related data.

Click "Read More" to read the full article.


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Do Retail Customers Want More ESG in their Shopping Carts?

Despite the blowback against environmental, social, and governance (ESG), studies consistently show that good?ESG practices positively affect corporate profitability. But, as TriplePundit notes, it’s relatively easy to measure ESG-related cost savings (from things like improving energy efficiency or reducing employee turnover), but “assessing how sustainability efforts improve top-line growth is trickier.”

In plain English, do consumers favor products and retailers that care about ESG, and if so, does this preference translate into more purchases and higher revenues? Here is some data-driven evidence.

Click "Read More" to read the full article.


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Protecting Value-Creation in M&A: ESG and Due Diligence

By now, it’s a given—investors, asset managers, corporate executives, and boards of directors know that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors can affect a company’s financial performance and reputation (which affects financial performance). Both the persistent and growing demand among stakeholders for more ESG information and the increase in disclosure requirements in this arena reflect this reality.

This all forms a positive, self-reinforcing loop – a greater recognition of the usefulness of ESG information feeds demand for that type of information, which leads to more disclosure requirements. More standardized disclosures increase the usefulness of the data, and so on.

Click "Read More" to read the full article.


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Follow our new podcast series, Armchair ESG with Nate and Yates. OWL’s Head of Product, Nathanael Ndjerareou, and Director of Communications, Rob Yates, host discussions about ESG, investing, sustainability trends, and current events. With a wide array of market experts as guests, Armchair ESG explores in-depth the evolving conversation around ESG.

Click HERE to check it out.


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We work with all types of investment firms, corporations and fintech platforms around the world. Find out how OWL can meet your need for ESG data and analytics today. Get in touch with us today.


