Insight and Perspective
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." Albert Einstein
No, it won't solve every problem, but you will gain insight and perspective and with that comes a new level of consciousness.
Psychologists suggest that 80% of the time you are emotionally reacting to people and experiences based off situations and experiences of your past. If you wish to consciously choose your response from a more ideal level of consciousness for better outcomes you must first develop self-awareness.
Self-awareness gives you insight into your thoughts, your emotional processes, your relationships, your history, your values, your beliefs, your stress level, your well-being, your dreams and passions, your skill set, and so much more.
Although I am a fan of self-discovery through Enneagram tests, Gallup Strength Finder, and others, sometimes what you need to do is be still and be silent, if even for a few moments. We as society spend too much time "doing" and not enough time allowing for the space where the answers come naturally.
"Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?" Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?" Lao Tzu
My experience has been that formal meditations practices make it easier for me to be naturally more mindful and self-aware throughout the day (science says this is so...). I have also found that consciously choosing mini moments to mindfully notice my breath, sense my body, name my feelings, notice the sounds, or notice my thoughts helps me to make more conscious decisions. These practices give me clear insight and I gain perspective even in the worst of scenarios.
Both of these styles of practices lead me to silence, stillness, and knowing. This quiet knowing allows me to make conscious decisions that improve my health, relationships, and success in positive and empowering ways. YOU CAN TOO!
"The real meditation practice is how we live our lives from moment to moment." Jon Kabat-Zinn
If you are interested in learning more please set up a free FOCUS SESSION
*By multiple requests, NEW OFFER: Mindfulness Training and Energy Work/2 hour session
*Invite me to speak next year and get this year's price. January 1st the investment cost goes up.
*20% OFF Mindfulness Matters 6 Month Coaching Package
*Buy one Intuitive Energy Work session and get one half off
Some exclusions apply
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Wishing you an amazing and peaceful day,
Amy McCae
Certified Life and Executive Coach. Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. Intuitive Energy Coach.