Insight Monthly - February

Insight Monthly - February

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Insight Magazine No.50

Insight Magazine Reaches 50.

At the time of writing, the UK is on its third Prime Minister in the space of a year.?That’s two people who were not in charge of a country when we last published an edition of this magazine (a mere 9 months ago).?If that isn’t symbolic of the volatility and uncertainty of our current times, I don’t know what is!

With that in mind, this edition of Insight magazine seeks to focus on those volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times ahead.?We hope some of the articles will provoke thought and would be very keen to hear your own views via our social media platforms or if you want to get in touch with the authors directly.

Another issue of Insight magazine and another that sees us all operating in what can best be described as ‘challenging’ circumstances.?It is not lost on us that we used the same word in the foreword of our last issue too, so perhaps we need to re-frame the problem in order to see the opportunities that lie ahead.?Business leaders today are expected to face head-on a complex and evolving set of overlapping challenges that seem to be coming along in quick and unrelenting succession.?In this edition of Insight, our team discusses some of those issues and how they can be turned into opportunities for success by breathing some positive energy into what could otherwise be a gloomy outlook if we allow it to be.

What is included in this edition?

In this edition, Claire Graydon gives us an update on the new UK Procurement legislation and what opportunities it might present to those tendering for work under the new legislation.?In addition to that, Edward Quigg gives us a view of recent changes to public procurement in, with particular interest paid to the requirement to apply a social value score to any bid.

Further articles on the importance of having contracts reviewed by a trained eye and in understanding price variations should help aid your understanding of where you may be exposed to risk and how we can help mitigate against that.

James Golden discusses the benefits of Adjudication and why it should be seen as the ‘go to’ means of resolving construction disputes in Ireland in a commercially pragmatic manner.?Josh Bates comments on the expertise Quigg Golden has to offer in delivering bespoke and market leading training to your teams to help them avoid disputes arising altogether – arguably the most commercially pragmatic outcome of all.

Finally, Gavin Hendrie goes somewhat off-piste for us by discussing the challenges of dispute resolution in the workplace and how the expertise to resolve such a dispute for existing clients can be found here at Quigg Golden.

Enjoy and Get in Touch

Once again, we hope you enjoy this edition of Insight. We would be thrilled to hear some of your feedback, so please do give us your thoughts; good, bad, or indifferent with regards to this edition.?We very much look forward to working with you in 2023 and giving you the benefit of our expertise to turn challenge into opportunity.

Contact us here .


