Insight: Do you think are intuitive or insightful?

Insight: Do you think are intuitive or insightful?

Insight: "What is insight? Do you think are intuitive or insightful? What good is an insight? How has this gift manifested in your own life? What good are they? Who has the gift of insight? 

Ultimately why are insights so crucial to the development and progress of the human race?The second component of this thread is how do we overcome fear? 

'Dark Shadow Self'

Carl Jung was a very deep and insightful man. Two of his quotes deal with facing our dark side or shadow self. How important do you feel it is to face one's demons? How does a person go about a journey of self discovery of their less palatable side?

What is the best way to face one's dark side? What is the reward for taking such an undertaking?"  


“The most adventurous journey to embark on is the journey to yourself. The most exciting thing to discover is who you really are. The most treasured pieces that you can find are all the pieces of you. The most special portrait you can recognize is the portrait of your soul. “ C. JoyBell C.


"Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know my self, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms." Khalil Gibran


"The un-examined life is not worth living." Socrates 

"Searching the external world exclusively for happiness is a fool's dream. You will die searching because you never discovered yourself. This is the inner world of reflective contemplation. It is the path of self- discovery and finding out what you truly wish for, who is your real self and find completion by realizing your latent special gifts.

Too many times we may ignore the inner universe, searching for peace, as well happiness when these lay within us. To conquer self we must be prepared to look in the mirror of our souls. A world with no insight would be hell on earth. 

For how could we grow or become better human beings, and ultimately more humane. Few are brave enough for that, or have the insight to learn how to do it, and thus be free independent beings. Knowledge of self is one of the greatest powers a person may possess. 

Few take an inside journey to their core beliefs. Few know how. There are no road maps or signs to really tell a person what to do. Each must decipher it for himself or herself. For the price of this wisdom is priceless. It is invaluable to the human spirit.

I have been told I have a gift in insight, both in myself and of others hidden motives. It is a wonderful gift, but it does not change the world, but passion surely has a capacity to do so. This is to say affect changes and make a profound difference of our lives.

It is a process of a seemingly paradigm shift, changing the consciousness that we can behold. We will then have a possibility of seeing reality with fresh eyes and a purer mind and consciousness.

Insight is a gift of the universal source, a well of wisdom to tap into. It is invaluable to the human spirit. I am but one traveler on this road and I constantly learn thus have life long learning growth. It takes an entire lifetime of one's individual journey to continually gain insights and grow from these insights into a more actualized human being. 

It is the process of outgrowing outdated facades and false concepts but rather discover your true self. A self that which possess authenticity and transparency is a sign of good mental health. If we are lucky, we receive truths both about ourselves, others and as well a greater understanding of reality. These insightful growths plateaus I refer to them as newer understandings and are mental plateaus of awareness. 

Sometimes we need a ladder to the next level to the next step of awareness. Helping facilitate growth is sharing openly with others your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. One then receives feedback and dialogue can ascertain and reevaluate one's current belief system into a newer core understanding.

I seemingly walk between the worlds. I try balancing the external world with my inner awareness, reflections and insight all leading to growth. Wisdom comes with a cost. it takes discipline. It takes developing a fundamental philosophical outlook. One then remains true to one's inner beliefs and convictions yet keep an open mind for newer understanding. 

Everything is a double-edged sword. For every gift, there is a veritable price to pay. We must all walk our destinies. Each is different. I say some may not have the gift of insight. Those who have the capacity of insight, interpersonal intelligence, intra-personal intelligence and empathy may be able to articulate what is in the hearts of other human beings. All have gifts. We all have need of each and one another. .  

The other day I quoted a prophet by the name of Jesus who metaphorically described some of us as eyes, feet, hands, and so on. Each of us is different with different capabilities, as well as different attributes and a different life mission. It is all part of the whole.

Another analogy I use is that there is an (metaphorical usage) angel on our shoulder whispering. There is also a devil on the other shoulder hollering. Learn to listen to the inner voice. I call it the universal consciousness.

Within lays the truth. It is a matter of listening to this inner guide, and ignoring the distractions of life. The Christians would call this the "Holy Ghost". Carl Jung would say it is to tap into the Collective Unconscious, in which all the wisdom of humanity lays. I call it the gift of insight and intuition.  

It is there within. To recapitulate listening to your inner awareness one can discover their true gift. Insight with growth can also help us leave behind outdated beliefs and illusions. Illusions are lesser priorities from finding one's true self along with your gift and using it for the betterment of mankind. 

One who finds inner peace can begin to listen to that metaphorical angel. Part of healing is learning to heed the whisper which all of us have the capacity to do so. To not think and reflect is to die of stagnation."

Daniel James Wilson

Author of: The Best Kept Secret Is "You" Speaker, Soul Coach, Meditation instructor, mindfulness coach

6 年

As long as we know the self is not you. Then we can get an understanding of the you that is everything, and the limited yourself, mind creation.

Don Crawford

Clinical Social Worker

6 年

Insight is a higher form of consciousness.d. It may or may not involve pure intuition, which is ours when our consciousness has transcended to the Cosmic Plane of the Buddhic.


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