Insight #5 for CEOs: How to Better Manage COVID-19 Spread Mitigation Using a Comprehensive Program Containing Top Return Strategies and Products
Reopening a company, university, school, government agency, or hospital is serious business.

Insight #5 for CEOs: How to Better Manage COVID-19 Spread Mitigation Using a Comprehensive Program Containing Top Return Strategies and Products

By: John Norris, JD, MBA, Chairman, Safely2Prosperity Infectious Disease Spread Mitigation Program Company; Minority Investor, Vessel Health Test-Developer Company; Former Harvard Faculty Member; Former FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner and COO*

Here is Key Insight #5 to Help your Company/University/School to Return to Work/Classes, Soon, But Only by Doing it Safely:

Insight #5 For an experienced, mature, and talented executive, the onslaught of COVID-19 mutations is far, far more than alarming. Both factually and specifically, the flu vaccine, for many reasons, has been mostly a dud for high-risk workers/teachers. The most susceptible people, workers/teachers working in closed facilities or classrooms, and having other innate or developed susceptibilities, are often less served. In many cases, they have only a roughly 40% likelihood of getting a flu vaccine, and that flu vaccine is of low probability of protecting those workers/teachers who do get the shot, from the flu variant of which, in fact, they quantitatively become most exposed—and most often exposed. The COVID-19 variant chosen by COVID-19 vaccine developers will be the one on which they will then be forced to model the new vaccine, possibly every six months, but likely, as with the flu, once a year, or even only once per every 18 months. This is hard to predict, so we will see. Hopefully, it will not turn out to be an every six-month chore.

?This is done annually for the flu because it is seasonal (mostly disappearing in the summer, but coming on strong in the winter). So far, COVID-19 does not look like it is seasonal. One of the most dangerous variants, thus far, appeared in South Africa in the middle of that country’s summer season. This fact, alone, makes it far more alarming. Apparently, it never readily lets up or takes a large or even full break. There appear to be occasional short lulls. Apparently, though, it keeps on attacking, to a significant degree, year-round. This current lull in some regions and in some industries is, therefore, confusing and misleading to some CEOs, university presidents, and school superintendents. Smart leaders will sit down and figure this out. In reality, there is little time to waste if you are serious about reopening SAFELY any time soon.

Conclusion. Because of the 10 insights, plus other insights yet to come, I have advocated for decades, both in the US and around the world, to create AI-driven, very low-cost, fully self-administered (at-work and at-home) infectious-disease spread mitigation tests—ones similar to very low-cost, self-administered pregnancy tests used by parents and similar to blood-glucose-level tests used by diabetics. Think of the difference that might be made for your organization--plus organizations in need around the world--if you or they use a top-end Infectious Disease Spread Program coupled with very advanced test devices to protect people both at-home and at-work.

Now or Soon Available Top Resources. A COVID-19 test-development company located in San Diego, Vessel Health, has just co-invented a very low cost, highly reliable and very fast version of such a COVID-19 Fully Self-Administered Test, again of the type I have advocated around the world for many dozens of years to be used extensively to better manage infectious diseases, especially Pandemics or other Crises. As a consequence, I have become a minority investor in the company, and recommend them and their accompanying already marketed wellness tests, highly. The Wellness Test is already on the market. The COVID-19 test is wrapping up development. Accordingly, it is not yet FDA FDA EUA authorized to launch but Vessel hopes to have it on the market, soon. The Wellness Test is a companion test to the COVID-19 Test to help monitor and support the strength of a worker's/teacher's and others' overall immune system. Customers of S2P's Spread Mitigation Program will be able to select another test that they like, even though I like this one the best, and that is why I invested in the company.

Again, Safely2Prosperity is itself, a Program Manager. S2P's role is to: (1) help assess a customer's precise infectious disease spread mitigation needs; (2) help determine the best way to meet those needs; (3) help craft and install the right Program; (4) help manage the Program's operations; and (5) help periodically to evaluate data flowing from the Program (and daily shared with the customer) to determine how well and how consistently the Program is operating and if any serious modifications or slight adjustments to the Program are needed.

A Call to Action. Absolutely, Don’t Let Money, Fear, or Confusion Prevent Your Timely and Safe Start of Essential Reopening Action, Soon! Reopening, soon, and Doing it Safely, are musts for smart CEOs. Insurance discounts and rental arrangements might be made available in amounts that are able to dramatically reduce cash flow in paying for a First-Rate COVID-19 Spread Mitigation Program. Any way you cut it, this can somehow be done for every smart CEO/University President/School Superintendent. Given Hell or High Water, this is what everyone is expecting of you, and what everyone would call: “Doing the right thing.”


PS: If you do nothing else, at least immediately be Inward-Looking. In other words, you might want now to very seriously begin thinking about, and strategizing on, how to: At Least Protect Your Career and Your Sense of Self-Worth. Then soon after that, find the resources to do much more, very quickly.

Email: S2P: [email protected]Web:; FDTH: [email protected]; and Cell: 617-680-3127;

Disclaimer. *To be clear, neither the FDA, nor the CDC, nor NIH has reviewed this brief Article. or its Full-Length Version, or in any way commented on either.

The URLs. URLs to the Full-Length “CEO/School-Superintendent COVID-19 Responsibilities” Article are: LinkedIn;/46ZoF+QS/OntjeCcEhTGA ?==&licu=urn:li:control:d_flagship3_publishing_post_edit-article_description#; and S2P Website

? 2021, All rights reserved. This document is forward-thinking and contains only limited, summary information. See Full-Length Version (URLs above), from which this Brief Article is pulled, for added cautions and disclaimers.


Hon. John Norris JD, MBA的更多文章

