Lead by Following (The Attack of Sparkling Water - Edmonton, Canada)
Megan Billnoske
Leadership Trainer ● Keynote Speaker ● Coach ● Everything DiSC? & 5 Behaviors? Authorized Partner ● Artist
It was 6 weeks into my new international job, and they asked me to go to our Canada office and deliver training. As the first time I had ever left the country, I was beaming with excitement to see what the world was like, but also anxious to try and deliver successfully at my new job. Despite late nights and preparations, flight struggles and cold weather, what I didn't see coming was the absolute panic attack I had in front of my audience - all from a glass of sparkling water.
Our first morning at the hotel in Canada was beautiful. I was up early and headed down to the breakfast restaurant to meet one of my bosses. The hostess led us to our table, and I couldn't help but look out of the wall of windows. The weather was cold, as it was in late March, but the hotel was nice and cozy at breakfast.
I peered out of the window and gazed down to the river, which still had a frozen section resting on the shore. I snapped this picture - one of my very first pictures of being abroad - because of the awe I was in just seeing something you'd never see in Houston - a frozen river.
Now, it may not sound all that exciting, but for someone who had never traveled much outside of Texas (which is a large country anyway) growing up, I treasured the new perspective the world was showing me - something that I still do when I travel.
We finished breakfast and headed to the office. The people there were nice and friendly, showing me to the conference room for training that day. The desks were in a U-shape layout, with room for me to walk up at the front. I set up my 6 laptops, pulled out my sign-in sheet, passed out the packets and was ready to start.
Not even three minutes into speaking during the class, my throat went dry. After a few coughs and swallows that didn't fix it, my boss said she'd go get me some water. I thanked her, and she returned about 30 seconds later with a green bottle of sparkling water.
Feeling the pressure to get the class going, I opened the bottle took a drink,
and then I FREAKED OUT!
I looked down at the bottle, tried reading what it said, but couldn't get my brain to comprehend what the words said.
It tasted bitter.
It was bubbly.
Water isn't bubbly or bitter.
Oh no!
That means...
I just drank beer at work!?
I'm going to be fired.
My dream job. is. over.
What have I done?!
My mind raced through so many thoughts in a matter of 2 seconds.
Because I am not the best poker face, panic was written all over my face. My new boss said, "It's sparkling water." She then went back to her seat like nothing was wrong.
I sort of comprehended what she said, and I sort of thought it was going to be okay. In front of the audience, I decided to carry on since I was "on stage". I decided to follow her lead, keep going with the class, and drink my new beverage. It still didn't taste good. After getting focused back on teaching the class, I calmed down and I finally was able to read the bottle. La Perrier was not beer.
It was sparkling water.
Wow. Haha, it still makes me laugh about it now, but it was not funny in the moment! Then again, it was my very first trip abroad and everything was foreign.
The rest of the day went well, and the class wrapped up. My boss and I headed to the mall in Edmonton to do some minor site-seeing after work. Turns out they have a full-sized pirate ship in the mall, and the first H&M store I'd ever seen outside of the magazines (ohhhh, ahhhhh!).
As a leader, it's important to known when to take the lead up front, and when it's time to follow.
** That new job you just landed, and you're not sure how to navigate the stakeholder update meetings because the culture seems a bit different than what you're used to. Learn by following.
** That new team you're working with, trying to delegate, empower and encourage each team member to feel comfortable with speaking up in their role. Empower by following.
** That direct report who has a doctorate, decades of experience and ideas on how to transform their role. They're not a threat. They're a great asset for your team. Elevate by following.
** That career goal you're not sure about - struggling to figure out next steps, managing your small bank account balance and how to make it. Others around you are doing it, but you're not sure what to do. Navigate by following.
Remember when it's time to follow, and that it's not a ding on your skillset. Many times, it's the mark of a much higher skillset because you're open to learning and humble to know there is more to learn.
Oh, and PS - I love sparkling water now, and drink it daily! Funny how things change.
Lead where you are.
Written and lived by Megan Billnoske, owner and founder of IMSPIRE, LLC. She specializes in working with students, leaders and teams who are hungry to grow, ready to say YES! to elevating their skills and like to have fun along the way.
In her 12-year corporate career, she's trained 14,000+ leaders, had 27 bosses, launched 14+ brand new training programs, led countless international teams, worked in 12+ industries throughout the globe and loves what she does.