Insider Threats - Often the Most Lethal
Wikileaks exposes once again how damaging and lethal an inside threat can be!
I've been explaining in my "Insider Threat Presentations" for years where the real damage can be done and by whom. This last Wikileaks debacle is now going to be an example of how our enemies learned how to harden their defences. Security is more about how organizations treat employees and how righteously they behave than it is about the actual security software and protocols they use. There is very little if anything a security company can do to stop it! My company's position has and always will be that we can only make things as ugly and difficult as able for a hacker to not get into your network. The word guarantee is not part of our zeitgeist. I can place all the mass surveillance software you want mr customer but it won't help you if you treat employees poorly or act unjustly. People generally speaking have good moral code! When a company or organization does something like violate the constitution with mass surveillance or spills oil and then lies about it, expect staff to take moral positions.
The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.
Prior to the Snowden leaks the CIA was out of control post 911. They were directly questioned several times about mass surveillance and lied about it to congress. It didn't take that much clever thinking on my part to determine quickly they were lying. Read the right research and news and one can easily decipher what is often not being said tells you more. It's very simple in fact - all intelligence organization have the ability to use mass surveillance on everyone and everything 24/7/365.
It should be noted that it is not just the CIA that behaves this way. Every intelligence organization has legalized mass surveillance or variations of it. When court challenges arise against mass surveillance they just ignore after nodding their head and keep on doing it. Nothing changes.
Thy will be done as in heaven so upon the earth. The CIA staff have god complexes that make "Sciencetologist" seem ordinary. How do we prevent this out of control intelligence organization from getting worse. The road to policy change and oversight I assure you is one paved to hell. Dont hold your breath on any changes despite what is stated by government officials. We need these people far more than you know. There is evil in this world!
Mass surveillance will not only continue it will prosper
What scares me, terrifies me, causes me anxiety is that these intelligence organizations help protect us against a variety of terrorist organizations and threats. These threats are very real, very scary and the threat actors want to kill people! It's not all just about hacking and mass surveillance. When these intelligence organizations behave what is perceived to be an immoral action it hurts us all. I am not talking about the insider who released this information to Wikileaks. I am talking about the debate between the violation of our privacy rights vs protecting us. If we do not trust these organizations to act morally or do the right things then it us that suffers. I would be fair to say this leak has been very damaging in ways that are unknown. People might be killed as a result, women and children. This is very real and this is no game! These leaks hurt.
You might be asking yourself what can I do to protect my organization? For a start you can learn about what is an "Insider Threat". I recommend taking our "Insider Threat Training" taught by an x CIA Intelligence Officer (oh the irony). Courses start at $1850 USD per person and are 3 days on premm.
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Written by
David Morrish
We offer doctors and other high-income earners "Family Office" services that maximize wealth and minimize time, effort, and stress. These services include retirement, tax, and estate planning.
10 个月David, thanks for sharing!