Inside of You: Kevin Conroy
This interview from the Inside of You Podcast with Michael Rosenbaum was I think the best interview he ever had. It was very raw and Kevin Conroy was so honest about many things. The Inside of You podcast is a podcast that talks about the stars, but also about mental health, anxiety, and other things. In this interview, Conroy talks about his upbringing, how he had an abusive, drunk father, who nearly committed suicide. He had to learn a very hard lesson from a theatre friend that eventually he had a knock-out drag out fight on stage at the Kennedy Center. The friend taught him when it comes to relationships not to carry any ghost or baggage, to do what is neccessary to keep your soul pure and clean.
Also, in this interview, Conroy talks about how his teacher valued Conroy as Conroy could take Shakespeare and understand everything he was saying. What kid could usually do that! As you hear about Conroy's relationship with his dad and all he had to deal with him, you realize how this tragedy inspired him and propelled him to be Batman. He was well-known as Batman more than anything he ever did. Due to his role, he inspired fans and gave a voice for complicated issues of his day.
As well as this, we hear how he roomed with Robin Williams, and discusses his nuanced personality. He had a very personal encounter with Robin Williams. He also knew Kelsey Grammer and wanted to room with Christopher Reeves, but ended up rooming with Robin Williams instead. Out of podcast interviews I have watched(and I have watched a lot), this interviews was one of the best if not the best and quite relatable. In this generation, it is very hard to be open and honest with issues, for it is hard to know how people will take it, let alone if you can talk about it, but Conroy is very open with all of it. So as Rosenbaum states on his show, "Let's get inside of Kevin Conroy."