INSIDE-Sustainability!! Sustainable Travelling!!! Isn't it exciting?
Sustainable Travel

INSIDE-Sustainability!! Sustainable Travelling!!! Isn't it exciting?

Hello Readers,

Today is the day of "Travel". Lets look at some of the key industry highlights on how sustainability has impacted travel in a positive way. We all have observed that people have started travelling abroad for vacations because its natural after 2 years of pause. However, it would be great if we could adopt a bit mindfulness in our journey. I have tried to capture some developments below and I will curate more news tomorrow.

Read on!!

-The concept of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in today's world, particularly in relation to travel (Source)

-Banyan Tree Group promotes sustainability, stewardship, and well-being (Source)

-Companies are making their corporate travel programs more environmentally friendly in response to demands from employees (Source)

-"Hotel Sustainability Basics," an industry-driven program to encourage responsible tourism, has the endorsement of the Hospitality Association International (HAI). (Source)

-The demand for business travel may slow down to achieve the sustainability goals (Source)

-The European Travel Commission has launched a marketing campaign promoting sustainable tourism in the Nordics countries (Source)

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My thoughts-
Sustainable travel involves maintaining tourism without hurting natural and cultural environments. Sustainable tourism is crucial because while travel can provide economic advantages and offer jobs, it can also have negative implications, such as overusing resources, displacing species, and damaging local culture.
Sustainable travel should reduce tourism's negative impacts and benefit the destination. Several companies have reduced their employee travel and migrated to a hybrid or online work model which has been really beneficial. Anything and everything related to travel is getting eco-conscious and moving towards sustainability.

If you have a hotel business or a restaurant or you are into food industry or somehow you are connected to ticketing, online booking or you may be connected somewhere in the travel supply chain and you have interest to showcase your sustainability initiatives to the right audience or you wanna just reach out to more people and talk about your sustainability initiatives, Lets connect.

t would be my pleasure to interact with you personally and brainstorm on your journey towards sustainability, discuss various initiatives and business opportunities. This will also give me an opportunity to understand your specific challenges and we find out ways to solve it collectively with the help of our network and explore more ways of co-operation. If you know anyone who has a passion towards sustainability, feel free to spread the word-

If you have sustainability ideas, please do share with me:

Email-?[email protected]

Join our sustainable community on Telegram:?

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Let's collaborate if you have something interesting to share. We focus on?SDG-17- "Partnership for goals"

  • We promote your sustainability initiatives and make sure its impactful for your stake holders.
  • Be a part of our sustainable business network, collaborate and network with other sustainable business partners and help them achieving UN SDGs by creating a sustainable business community.

Happy Reading!!!!


