Inside Scoop: TCVM Veterinarians Share Top Dog Arthritis Protocol

Inside Scoop: TCVM Veterinarians Share Top Dog Arthritis Protocol

We are so sorry for the challenges you are facing with your dog's arthritis!

It's a sad but true fact. Dogs experience debilitating arthritis pain the same way people do. 

In this article, we're sharing the dog arthritis protocol TCVM veterinarians Dr. Marc Smith and Dr. Casey Damron recommend in their Tennessee clinics.

What Does Dog Arthritis Look Like?

You probably don't need your vet to tell you your dog has arthritis. Intuitively, most pet parents can spot the signs. 

Telltale signs of dog arthritis include: 

  • Limping, lameness, stiff legs
  • Yelping when touched
  • Change in behavior or irritability
  • Not wanting to move
  • Difficulty rising after resting or sleeping
  • Overall tiredness
  • Muscle atrophy

However, the most distressing thing about the situation is dogs are very stoic. In other words, they most likely feel worse than you think.

Luckily, there are many quick and easy changes you can make at home to help you give your dog an edge on easing dog arthritis pain.

We'll go over our veterinarians' protocol here, but you can get even more information in their ebook Dog Arthritis 101: Make Your Dog Feel Better.

Get Your Free Copy of Dog Arthritis 101: Make Your Dog Feel Better

Dog Arthritis Protocol Step #1: Feed Wet Food or Home Cook

According to Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron, the best thing a person can do for their dog is feed a wet diet.

And, the only thing better than a wet diet is a home-cooked wet diet. 

Freeze-dried raw is also an amazing choice. Just make sure to rehydrate properly prior to feeding.

Home-cooked diets and wet food help keep your pet from gaining too much weight. In turn, less weight means less stress on your dog’s bones and joints. 

In addition, wet diets help keep your dog hydrated. Hydration is a concern for all older pets, as with age everything tends to dry out. Just like with people!

PET | TAO Chill and Blaze are top choices for arthritic dogs.

Have you ever tried cooking for your dog? It's really not as hard as it sounds!  

PET | TAO Holistic Pet Products has a very detailed recipe page. They also have a handy chart to help you figure out which diet your dog will do best on.

Visit the PET | TAO Recipe Page

See the PET | TAO Cooling (Chill) Recipe

See the PET | TAO Warming (Blaze) Recipe

Dog Arthritis Protocol Step #2: Ease Your Dog's Discomfort Naturally

According to Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron, the top supplement for easing discomfort associated with arthritis is a supplement called "Comfort".

Comfort contains yucca, boswellia, MSM, meadowsweet, cornus, licorice, ginger and manganese. It not only helps with arthritis, but discomfort from injuries or overexertion. 

In fact, Comfort works so well both Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron use it post-surgically in their clinics when pet parents wish to cut back on pharmaceuticals (or avoid meds altogether) after surgery. Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron offer Comfort as an alternative to Rimadyl. 

Comfort is safe to use in combination with other supplements and pharmaceuticals.

I personally keep a jar on hand for any type of injury my dogs might acquire. 

Note: Do not give Comfort to your cat.  Comfort contains meadowsweet, which contains salicylic acid, and is toxic for cats. 

Learn More About Comfort

Dog Arthritis Protocol Step #3: Provide Joint Support

As dogs age, the cartilage surfaces in their joints start thinning and deteriorating.

Then, as the cartilage cells die off, they release enzymes causing inflammation in the joint capsule. 

Inflammation, in turn, creates excessive fluid within the joint. In addition, extra bony growths called osteocytes may develop, causing even more discomfort.

Later on, as the cartilage thins, the space between the bones and the joint narrows and the bones start deteriorating.

However, if you step in with the right supplements, you can slow the painful progress and help your dog feel better.

Drs. Smith and Damron both recommend a holistic product called Harmonize Joint.

Harmonize joint contains glucosamine, vitamin C, green-lipped mussel, MSM, sea cucumber, polygonum, angelica sinesis, rehmannia, alfalfa, manganese and vitamin E.

The ingredients all work together synergistically for lubrication and repair.

Learn more about Harmonize Joint

Dog Arthritis Protocol Step #4: Feed Your Dog Kidney

Yep! You read that right. Strange as it may sound, eating kidney helps arthritis. 

The vets explained it to me as follows.

According to Traditional Chinese medicine, "Kidney governs the bones and joints." 

So, by feeding kidney, you'll be supplementing in a "like treats like" manner. Kind of similar to the way homeopathics and glandular supplements work. 

Drs. Smith and Damron swear by it in their clinics, and have great results.

If you aren't friends with a butcher, you can easily find freeze dried kidney in the form of treats. 

Learn More About Freeze Dried Kidney Treats

Dog Arthritis Protocol Step #5: Acupuncture and TCVM Herbal Formulas

For both vets, TCVM herbal formulas and acupuncture are the foundation of their success in helping dogs with arthritis. And, the two work very well together.

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine. It corrects imbalances of energy, or “chi,” in the body.

To correct these imbalances, acupuncturists use very fine stainless-steel needles to stimulate the body's major energy-carrying channels.

In addition, acupuncture may help curb pain by boosting endorphins.

Acupuncture is even more powerful when combined with the appropriate TCVM herbal formula. 

Some good examples of herbs to aid dog arthritis challenges are:

TCVM herbs require a veterianry authorization, and to find the appropriate blend your dog needs an examination by a TCVM-trained veterinarian.

To find a TCVM-trained vet in your area, visit Chi University's Vet Finder.

If you can't find a vet in your area, or need a little extra help or a second opinion for your pet, Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron are happy to help.

Both vets offer TCVM telemedicine consultations and will work with your vet to help you give your pet the best integrative care available.

If you get a TCVM telemedicine consultation with either vet ($110), you'll get personalized TCVM recommendations specific to your pet, including:

  • TCVM Herb Recommendation & Authorization
  • Food Therapy Recommendations 
  • Supplement Recommendations
  • Alternative Medicine Recommendations

Visit Dr. Smith's Website

Visit Dr. Damron's Website

I hope this information helps you. 

If you have any other questions or if we can help you in any way, just let us know!


Becki Baumgartner, PhD的更多文章

