Ezinwanyi Onuiri
I help individuals transform their mindsets to find purpose, achieve true productivity and ignite their passion for a thriving life || Mindset Coach || UN Women UK Delegate CSW68
Ever thought about why you act the way you do?
Yesterday, I listened to a lady's conversation about friendships. She talked about how her childhood experiences impacted her relationship with friends. She didn't realize this at the time but later in life, as God was taking her through a journey, she realized that it was those experiences that negatively affected her friendships.
After listening, I began to meditate and pondered on the seemingly little things that have huge impact on our lives. One of such is what I want to talk about today. It is called the INNER CRITIC!
What is the Inner Critic you may ask?
Your Inner Critic is that part of you that is responsible for your feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and inadequacy. It is that inner voice that whispers words that disempower you, making you lack confidence and in turn affecting your self-esteem, motivation and overall wellbeing. It is that voice that whispers all the negative words to you. It is harsh and critical, causing the feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. It is that voice that tells you, "you're not good enough for that position/job" or "you'll fail if you start that business/academic pursuit/project".
Here's an example of what your inner critic does to you: imagine you have a speaking engagement coming up in a few days. And you have prepared as much as you possibly can. Then the action starts - "you'll forget your lines", " is this presentation good enough?", "are you sure people will be interested in what you have to say?" As these whispers drop in, you start feeling anxious, self-doubt creeps in and your confidence is weak.
Your inner critic will:
- Judge your behaviour and feelings.
- Make you doubt yourself and tell you that you can't achieve your goals.
- Criticize your work habits, your looks, and how you relate with others.
- Make you feel guilty about what you have or don't have.
This inner critic develops from your childhood - how you were treated growing up, how you perceived yourself. These things stay within and shape your life into adulthood.
I remember those years when my inner critic dealt with me. I was always feeling inadequate. I felt i had nothing to offer all because of some experiences I had growing up. Even when I started working, I always felt my colleagues were better than me. Gladly, I am no longer in that place. Now, those whispers still come, but I am more self-aware and have mastered my mind and beliefs and will just stop them on their tracks.
Leaning into my experiences, here's how your inner critic operates. It comes in a way that:
- Attacks your authentic self - It stops you from developing your true self-worth and what you want in life. It makes you hide your true self for fear of being rejected or humiliated. And then you that is meant to be a high-spirited individual becomes a shadow of yourself by isolating and withdrawing from others.
- Attacks your relationships - The way you see yourself makes you feel others see you that way too. And then you begin to see all the negatives in your relationship instead of the positives.
The irony of the inner critic is that it is trying "to help you and protect you". You are surprised, right? Here's how - it will stop you from taking a plunge into a new thing to keep you safe from failure and humiliation.
How Do You Stop This Inner Critic From Taking Over Your Mind Space?
When you understand the positive intent if your inner critic, it will help you address it better knowing exactly the negative belief you need to challenge. Here are some ways I adopted to stop my inner critic and I believe will help you too:
- Separate Yourself From Your Thoughts - When your mind tells you that "you will fail at that project", acknowledge it by telling yourself "I'm having a thought that I'd fail at this project". Just see it for what it is - a thought - which may or may not be true. This will help you distance yourself from that thought and make you conscious of your thinking process. This way, you don't take your thoughts literally.
- Ask Yourself "Is This Thought Helpful?" - So, this is not about whether the thought is negative or not. What you are questioning is whether it will help you or not and if there's any need to pay attention to it. For example, that voice tells you "you are not lovable". This is not a helpful thought because it doesn't tell what to do to be better rather it's putting you down. Rather than allow the thought make you isolate yourself, switch it and think about how you can become more lovable.
- Give A Name To The Stories Your Mind Is Telling You - You know how your mind keeps telling you the "I am not good enough" or "I am a failure" story, like I wrote earlier, just acknowledge it as a thought. You can name it something like "the old witches tale" (smiles). Just whatever name you wish to give it. This will help you catch the thought when it comes back.
- Thank Your Mind - This is one trick that will help you detach yourself from those negative thoughts. Just like when someone calls you a swear name, you shrug it off. When that negative thought comes, whisper back to it and say something like "thank you mind, how thoughtful of you". Trust me, it will make you smile or giggle but you'd get the weight of that word off you.
- Don't Take It To Heart - I remember times when some negative thoughts will come to me, I'll just hail myself and laugh it off. This helped me not to take that thought seriously.
- Put Your Focus On Something Else - Funnily, negative thoughts are not a problem. However, it becomes a problem when you put your focus on them and believe them. You know how a music can be playing in the background while you're working. You are not focusing on the music rather on what you're working on. So, it's your choice. This is how you should treat those negative thoughts.
- Switch Roles - When those racing negative thoughts come, stop for a moment and ask yourself, "if my friend was thinking this way, what would I tell him/her?" You know all the encouraging words you would tell him/her, say it to yourself.
- Construct Positive Calming Thoughts - As you begin to take note of your thoughts, create positive calming words that will counter those negative ones that brings you anxiety. For instance: negative thought - "I'll flop at this presentation", positive calming thought - "Even if I flop, I'll learn and make it better the next time".
- Make Room For Uncertainty - You can't have control over everything around you but you can have control over the things within your power (your choices, your decisions, etc). When you make room for uncertainties, it helps make you less anxious and reduce your expectations.
Please note that, these are not "fast action" steps to end the flow of negative thoughts. It's a process that takes consistency and dedication so that you can live an amazing life from the inside out. Remember, it's what you give attention to that grows - whether good or bad.
I hope you have an amazing Thursday!
Until next time...
Love & Light,
Zinny - The Mind Alchemist
Using Applied Ethical Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics to Lead Organizational Digital Transformation Portfolios of Projects in the Emerging Era of Data Revolution.
1 个月Thanks Ezinwanyi Onuiri for your perspectives on the notion of inner critic. I believe that inner critic can equally be used positively to prompt self-evaluations towards developing a progressive roadmap to goodness, instead of using it to dwell on imperfections. In my theory of emotional extent effects, I have instances where employees used the notion of inner critic to materialize ‘contextual excellence’ by imbibing goal effective Goal Setting, Self-efficacy, Vicarious Learning, and Workplace Spirituality. Ultimately, I encourage All to let go of any displeasure and move forward into positivity.