Inside Mangione’s Mind …..America’s Failed Leadership Class “Sin” is Far Greater

Inside Mangione’s Mind …..America’s Failed Leadership Class “Sin” is Far Greater

It was an Aha Experience as the journalist on CNN interviewed the individual that spent two hours speaking with Luigi Mangione


As he spoke point by point of Luigi preeminent and pervasive thoughts

..the young man had all of the symptoms of Post Covid Deficit Disorder


In 2020 as the Pandemic raged intrepidly, I was on a mission to capture how this impacted the younger generation

It’s one thing to lose a year out of your life when you’re seventy years old and quite another thing in the developmental years of your youth

Since the invasion of the iPhone Culture and Social Media the mental quality of life for young people was on a roaring decline


Having worked with hundreds of people

…some from the most desperate social conditions that within that relational trust were transformed onto the road of success


They reside today in the suburbs in the multimillion-dollar homes earning their fat six figure salaries

?–my love to all of you!!

…even in those dire conditions they were a product of Old School pull yourself up by your bootstraps Agency and Self-Efficacy

Two generations of this mentoring process created a real Success Recipe

…the only notable thing as the years passed was the declining cognitive acumen of my students

….my low performers of the nineties were better than the best I was working with by 2015


This is statement of the decline of Public Education that was socially engineered by enlightened Progressives


In 2018 when I wrote Jumpstarting Millennial Minds..the New Century Challenge

…..advising the impact of this Social Media Culture on Social Emotional Wellness

……the thread of the pathology started to take hold


In 2020 – my book ?Dynamic Awareness – Future of American Democracy

I outlined how the declining Normative Classroom Culture

…the social engineering that polarized peers

…still worse peer-to-peer learning was a something that needed an immediate course correction ?

…not just for mental health --- but American Democracy


The most troubling aspect of all was the declining absence of Congruency

….this is when your SELF-PICTURE does not align with REALITY

This aspect of Self is something that I was observing with great alarm


The Pandemic was the Perfect Storm that burst forth a full-blown pathology as young people lived in fear, isolation – crazy “remote learning”

These dynamics made them very emotionally unwell—such a shame!


In 2021 …in my book Jigsaw… Healing the Post Covid Mind

I illuminated the Seven Faces of Post Covid Deficit Disorder


Negative Self Imaging

Performance Anxiety

Attention Deficit

Executive Function Breakdown

Expressive Intelligence

Social Trust

Resilient Flexibility


Our young people were not well

…of course in the highly polarized society

…no one could get on the same page to begin collective remediation

2020-2024 will be highlighted as a time of rapid decline in American Society


Yet the worse aspect that I observed and still observe

…is the Feeling of Collective Helplessness


This was sparked once again by Cancel Culture, the shifting mores and harsh punishment for another that exerted their Individual Sovereignty

…this natural need of authentic expression was quenched


In its place in the Blue Light of the small mobile flat screen the pathology took off like a rocket ?


Mangione central premises mirror all my observations


This absence of Agency—basic Self Efficacy that is the natural self-determination that strides straight threw all obstacles

In that empowerment a host of mental wellness is achieved as the individual more than an inert object to be acted upon is actually the controlling agent that determines their fate and destiny


Most people in my generation grew up Working Class

Yet even in our diminished status possessed huge Agency that was supported by our peers and System that celebrated American Opportunity

As poor as we were – and we were !!

..without many resources we possessed Hope and slowly ascended with each passing year


Collectively our generation changed American Society

We were part of the Ascending America at its Apex American Century


Even as privileged as Luigi's life was he was born into a hardworking successful family


This bright young man with maybe too much contemplative intellect and time to ponder upon it observed a rotting corrupt system operated by a plutocratic elite that possessed no soul

…far worse daily created harm to completely innocent people

To the Contemplative – like Dante—the definition of pure evil


Speaking with many former students on a regular basis

…..the poor behavior of senior management at these Fortune 500’s is why Mangione so quickly became a Folk Hero


Americans are not the source of our current societal ills

….America’s Leadership Class

For anyone that possess a scintilla of decency how can you accept how America’s Leadership Class has become so completely parasitic –

…self-serving with no socially redeemable quality


My only ?encounters with these type of individuals is in the summer at the Lake Winn

…with each insufferable event on Governors Island

.... course, boorish and surprisingly not that well read is an exhausting two hours that I'm never getting back


Mangione further spoke about the specificity of American Culture

…our Culture of Endless Shallow Entertainment

…simple shallow pleasure of violence and porn


How these Flat Screen Realities due to the absence of congruence have become the daily reference points of existence for several younger generations ..such a place of unwellness


Young men no longer need to actively seek relational girl friends

….the Flat Screen becomes the ego analogue that “does the job”


Mangione well observes these as the Bread & Circus analogues

…equivalences to distract and further disempower the Agency of the individual

…from the Divinely Inspired Blessed Life of Love – Happiness and the perpetuation of these joys in their own Children/Family


While I will not join the crowd telling you that Luigi is a Folk Hero

…he’s a coward shooting the CEO like a dog in the street

No one deserves such a fate


Yet …my compassion embraces his pain as he is not well


….Mangione is ill because of the system-society that America’s Leadership Class created

You own this !!

…and can expect other acts to follow unfortunately


The CEO of United Health in his Op Ed was reflective and wise he did some soul searching

…asking the question

Why would such a bright privileged young man feel so much despair that he commit such a horrific act?

What must we do to correct this societal course?


My greatest fear in the wake of the New Trumpian Triumphalism

..our New Century Counter Reformation to Wokeism


The Plutocratic Class will only be further emboldened with even greater acts of depravity

Time will Tell


While Luigi actions are reprehensible


America’s Leadership Class bear an even greater sin as the collective malaise of their behavior is their short term for profit thinking that comes at the long term expense our nation and society


The Good Book advises caution

“For you will reap what you’ve sown”





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