Inside with the CIA, PUTIN′S RUSSIA
Sheikha Maryam Desireé Alemán
CEO at End- Success Investment &Development. CIPD.Member.HRM.Business Development.
Firstly, I am not going to accept those who use the power, to take "My life" and Ciberattack computer. To push as " Parrots" Nobody are going to judge to theirs. " To Leave for God". They started at Kuwait until now the challenges by NSA. It′s a criminal actions.
To pay the agents Intelligent at Gran Canary. To " End" Life of my person with Poisson Radiation. To hidden and blame, with the Composition Media at Spain, in Po210, any Russian victim at UK. ( His montages,lies, maybe finished). Their offenses as " Bitch" as well,Crazy also.
Finally, "2" +"4"= 6 clear Impostor. The trading business with " Highness" and the Imperialism at Gulf. It′s clear. Such as to make " Gorila" " Monkey" as bidding to the Prince, or to myself.
I am not inside of any shares, or I have taken one " One Coin, U.S". Clearly, they have using the " Power". To be richest " Guys" before to retired at services intelligent.
Secondly, From Kuwait to Gran Canary. The same American CIA with this regimen socialist soviético play on media, social. With a perfect answer from Vlademir Putin at all the question realized by U.S journalist. It′s impressive, how the " The hear Brain, beat and reverses" .
The guarantee, It has been not the Ukraine Conflits, or French Conflict from the Strategy, that "4 " both agents intelligent from Gran Canary and " The Kuwaití" with his background Iran and Spain until Venezuela.
Surely, the tactic of " Push to Me " in Roohe= GO from Iraq shiites, plus Iranies Kuwaitis. The strategy Military, that Highness al Amir of State of Kuwait signed with United States of America at time, of President Barak Obama. Inside of my room, with Scandals CIA, difamation. It was not a VIKINI pink colour, or a Shooting with Gun. Running Jocky Horses at Dubai Racing. To share with Union Soviética a Hacker by the U.S and Russian. In to say, that i need a HELP, with their political apparents rivals. It′s the unique Lies.
To better prizes of Gas & Oil. I am sure that they have not provoked anti campaings electoral of Russian. If it′s as Vlademir Putin say. " Proof it". Absolutly, with the " I am not Ones". There is not a chemical Weapons, or it′s not the " Plutonium" what′s he commands to make " Sick" to me, with your collegues at Gran Canary. Surely, CIA knows well his "KHIGHT" to IRAN & Gran Canary. (3)
It′s a big shame the allegations parliements EU. To use Independism UK with Teresa Mary. As UK conservatives. From a " Bitch" " Crazy Life" as his lies with the agents Intelligent patner at Gran Canary, inside Mazon. It′s not acceptable, the " Influencer" to Keep in challenges with the same, allegations with Vlademir Putin, as Russian Consevatives.
Finally, They are changing fastest the "words" as the negotiation of " Guion" Sold at " States" such as, make her feel good say the next: I am Madam, and Decent Woman, " Kuwait say i am Good". Well,
Thirdly, I don′t need the public opinion of one to others of your collegues. Only they were looking for, how to caught a " European Pretty or Ugly" business Woman. For end my life, and Prince, justly keep busy with Business. The strategy clear Vlademir PUTIN put not pressures in any moment. But " The Spanish from Gran Canary to Dubai, with the Ones inside of Kuwait". Yes until now. They keep in pressures and threath at Gran Canary with the unpayment to my person. Removing as " I am not the Ones". To use psycho older, parents and involving in speculation from Family and Civils, to put in Dangers our Life and World.
It′s clear, that took action over all. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu departed for with President Vladimir Putin that is expected to focus on Syria and Iran. Before the elections.
The coordination of theirs armies as well as other important issues for the State of Israel. It′s quite clear " End Spy", " That You are". He put that all " I am yours" " Take care from Kuwait". " Nothing of struggling years" clear background for alls, directly in what′s done to me, directly.
Surely, the check booking First Class trip. It has not been for my " Salvation Journey". It′s shamefully that after ask the forgiveness, to move the Pope with the Maria Jesus with the Arabs Muslim.
A serious insults of theirs " I am Open". Considered not jock. Simply haressement sexual by warm feeling to know what′s they have done to me. Using " Criminals" "Pushing Civils" to slander, a serious troubles by conspirancy. To make the " Lost" at all incluided " Hayate= Life".
Hipocrites & “ There is not stability and security at the region and States, from the influences of Iran, and regimen socialist where they have share with groups politics " We Can". From Kuwait, Spain and the roots of Coucil at Gran Canary. A Killer patner, that they have payed to make assasination. Killing softly, as the State of Kuwait, knew it until my departure at 2014 August to the present time, by his CID at Pentagon in challenges, with those collegues.
He is allied with Syria’s President Bashar Assad, but those ties reportedly took a hit in the wake of the spy plane incident. In all myself. To disregard, asking support from village people at St Brígida, and his Patner Spain. To put myself in make believe in opposition banes, adversaries and terrorist of Al QAEDA to my person.
I am Bashar al Assad as well, he was looking for the " Life" at Dubai. The promotion " Rashid" what′s push Gran Canary U.S and CID Kuwait at Gran Canary Channels around of World.
It′s not Beers or a product. To hurt to My person. Yes innocently. The bastard usually say, " I am everything with the Christians". Elite.
They have not stop years. After, he excuses that " Highness at Kuwait, oppened Investigation. This is Why they complot in arrested to me "6 month" at jail at Kuwait. Dissappeared. To remove with Kuwait polices, all.
Pushing the complot by his challenges. Inside of Gran Canary, home family. They have not acknowledge of those who has " Power". Simply, they were using emotional and broken hearts and to seek, falses accusations. In put over myself.
They were not at Cooperation, they did not know anything. It′s cost the life of my sister, It′s cost my Life".
The " Killer" who practices assasination, payed at Gran Canary. He uses to take off importances as Health was not as before, from Exminister at Kuwait group, with the promotion " Fatima Zhara" and with that Spanish complices of assasination and make " Sick, when all perfectly from myself". It′s not really easy, the situation economic. Surely to make " Hot" and push to put fingers Inside". To make difamation and " Magictian" Misterious. It′s not for make,much better the Government and the enjoyment Life", in the habits that the forbidden of his collegues Muslims. Clearances the bad reputation, by Kingship, Prince, Princess, Sheikha.
They poissoned me. It′s true. They were preparing it. Previously as let′s see if they can lead with Me. They could not. It′s Mind Thoughts. Let′s Guys to do it like that. To Kill her. I know all my work and apportation in develop Nation, Issues and the World, in my life that they tried to make believe that a Bullshit life, not International. To confuse and lies with the " Death of my Sister". To make all equal. As they failed, of course, their criminals conducts.
They " Bastard" Not other option in to say True. I am the Ones. In clarification from my person. What′s they have done with this Background. Only the " Yihad" a " Terrorist" that they are hidden something. Uses to say, that WHY I CAME TO KUWAIT?.
My answer, to considere NOW and Matter. To end our relationship forever. The Finish of your Start with U.S and what′s They bring to me In my life. I don′t want to go anymore to Kuwait. I don′t need a Help of a Bastard Criminal Spy as you have inside of Pentagon in Kuwait, who empower the Terrorism in my Island and to Pay " Money" for end My life and Family". Because they want to be Free, of the reality. In counter terrorism Islamist. With the Maria and Leyla this European All and the Corruption lifed from all your collegues.
Justly to Be in Gran Canary, that many as myself, to have " Good Sex Time" with the other. It′s conforming a " Cheap" low calibre with your " Arabian" and Monarchies Gulf.
The " Killer" that " Power Money" is all in this series of assasination and struggling. Nothing elses that they have shares together. As they know, that " Power like you" for destroy life of a person, not really. I have not. Specially, when he was looking for a business woman as my person who knows well. How to deal success, to " Break " the complot with the judges, journalist, agents intelligents and the dirty game. Until now, their shame is in how to make all same and to leave all as " Nothing". " Mine".
Considere Homicide and Murderer, Experts and professional in cause the " Illness and death" dissability" and " entertaiment at Wheelchairs Sports U.S" with the Union Soviétic Bidding at Fifa is clear.
All these is Unjustly and Untolerable. I am not one to Stop. They have not stopped One day of use the power of Conspirances. Working behind to me. To seek to whom they are going the Next Plan.
Spain speak free of Jihadist. With this background of make the suffering from lont time.
Surely He and His collegues. May end the promotion and to use how is the " Pain" inside of my organs, inflamation and how i recover myself, alone and much better. To End their crimes and excuses, to make cry to Children, Civils. To use threath of Death, and the complicity with the State of Kuwait. In what′s they shared with Ryad. Saudia Arabia and United States of America.
Are you sure that Your CIA is a LOVER Woman?. To leave the excuses in my cases is Politics and Loves Cases. Stop of being " Bastards" " Thief". " Killer".
Thank you for responses!.
Sheikha Maryam Desireé Alemán.