Ins popular modern colorful acrylic round plate chandelier

Ins popular modern colorful acrylic round plate chandelier

The popular acrylic colorful installation art for restaurant. This is a popular acrylic round plate installation art on the Internet. INS popular modern colorful acrylic chandelier is 2.5 mm thick acrylic cut into small round plate. Through baking and bending and then plating colorful, and hardware combination into a group of colorful small flowers, in the whole composition is like a circling colorful dragon. The top spotlights irradiate the?colorful acrylic installation art will reflect colorful light like the Arctic light is very beautiful. The whole large acrylic installation art is divided into single packing, fixed with pearl cotton, placed in wooden cases, and installed very simply.The modern style lighting is fixed one by one according to 1:1drawing. The large acrylic installation art?is equipped with a certain number of spare part, very suitable for hotel lobby, sales, club and other large space. this is a particularly beautiful modern art installation.

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