Saleha Batool
Working as a teacher in The City School. Successfully completed SAP on "Mental Health Awareness" by the grace of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. Content Writer | Video Editor | Youtuber | Logo Designer.
Your brain is the reservoir of all your plans. So doesn’t it deserve a sufficient care? Mental Health is the least discussed but the utmost important topic. The issues regarding mental health are increasing as weeds in the present age. According to the statistical survey, the mental illness affects 46% of the teenagers, 19% of the adult population, and 13%of the children ever year. About 14-15% of the global encumbrance of disease is attributed to neuropsychiatric ailments.
The first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1954, had presciently stated that "without mental health, there can be no true physical health." The hindrance to mental health disorders is likely to have been undervalued because of insufficient appreciation of the interplay between mental illness and other health disorders.
Following are some of the general mental disorders which we need to address more importantly.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally and results in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking. People with schizophrenia require lifelong treatment. Early treatment may help get symptoms under control before serious complications develop and may help improve the long-term outlook.
Major Depressive Disorder
MDD, also referred to as clinical depression, is a significant medical condition in which someone experiences persistent and intense feelings of sadness for extended time periods. How long your depression lasts depends on lifestyle factors and whether or not you receive prompt treatment. Primary care providers often start treatment for MDD by prescribing antidepressant medications.
Manic Depressive Disorder/ Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness marked by extreme shifts in mood. Symptoms can include an extremely elevated mood called mania. They can also include episodes of depression. People with bipolar disorder may have trouble managing everyday life tasks at school or work, or maintaining relationships
There’s no cure, but there are many treatment options available that can help to manage the symptoms that include psychotherapy and anti-depressant supplements, and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by significant feelings of anxiety and fear. These feelings may cause increased heart rate and shakiness. There are several anxiety disorders e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and panic disorder. An individual may have more than one anxiety disorder.
They can be treated with Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Substance-use Disorders
Drug addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a disease that affects a person's brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medication. Substances such as alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine also are considered drugs. A person's genes, the action of the drug, peer pressure, emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and environmental stress can all be factors.
There are proper rehabilitation centers established for the treatment of drug addicts.
Organic Disorders
Organic mental disorders are disturbances that may be caused by injury or disease affecting brain tissues as well as by chemical or hormonal abnormalities. Exposure to toxic materials, neurological impairment, or abnormal changes associated with aging can also cause these disorders.
A person with an organic mental disorder may have difficulty concentrating for a long period of time. Others may get confused while performing tasks that seem routine to others. Managing relationships and collaborating and communicating with colleagues, friends, or family may also prove difficult.
Medication may be prescribed or rehabilitation therapy may help patients recover function in the parts of the brain affected by the organic mental disorder.
Personality Disorders
A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning, and behaving.This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities, work, and school.
Psychotherapy, also called talk therapy, is the main way to treat personality disorders.
A. Beliefs about causes of mental disorders:
Following are some of the commonly held pseudo beliefs about mental disorders.
1. Mental disorders do not exist.
2. These disorders are a common response to a sick society.
3. Mental illness is caused by demons, spirits or turning away from God.
4. Mental illness is caused by being lazy or weak.
Over the years, different myths regarding the causes of mental illness have been developed. Sometimes, these very myths are a means of denial or of avoiding responsibility for mental illness in a society.
B. What science does know?
However, the exact cause of mental disorders is not known, but through research it is becoming clear that many of these illnesses are caused by a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors.
Biological Factors:
Some of the mental illnesses are caused by the abnormal functioning of nerve cell circuits that connect the particular regions of brain. “Tweaking” the chemicals inside the brain called neurotransmitters, through medicines or psychotherapy, can help the brain circuits run more efficiently.
Other biological factors involved in mental illnesses are:
· genetics
· infections
· brain defects or injury
· prenatal damage
· substance abuse
· poor nutrition
· exposure to toxins
Psychological Factors:
The various psychological factors that contribute to mental illnesses are:
1. Severe psychological trauma suffered as a child, such as, emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
2. An important early loss such as the loss of a parent.
3. Neglect
4. Poor ability to relate to others
Social Factors:
Certain stressors can trigger an illness in a person who is susceptible to mental illness. These stressors include:
· Death or divorce
· A dysfunctional family life
· Feelings of inadequacy
· Loneliness
· Changing schools or jobs
· Exposure to violence
· Economic hardship
· Trauma of war
· Assault
· Discrimination
· Harsh parenting
Therefore …
Treatment needs to be aimed at all three of these areas:
BIO: medication, nutrition, general physical health
PSYCH: education (SAFE Program), psychotherapy, coping skills
SOCIAL: environmental management, stigma of mental illness, advocacy
Each mental disorder has its own specific symptoms. However, there are some general warning signs indicating mental illness. The various signs are:
· Marked personality change
· Extreme mood swings
· Strange or weird ideas
· Changes in sleeping patterns
· Suicidal thoughts
· Aggressive behavior
· Abuse of alcohol/drugs
· Unable to cope with daily activities
Facts about Mental Health in Pakistan
Major mental disorders in Pakistan are depression (6%), schizophrenia (1.5%), and epilepsy (1-2%). Pakistan, among the other developing countries, has a higher prevalence rate of depression because of the current social adversities. The mean overall prevalence of depressive disorders and anxiety is 34%. Province wise prevalence is Sindh 16%, Punjab 8%, Baluchistan 40%, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 5%. Lahore has the highest number of depressives that is 53.4% as compared to Quetta (43.9%) and Karachi (35.7%).
Depression often starts at a young age and affects women more commonly than men. One or two mothers out of 10 have depression after childbirth. Women in Pakistan often face domestic violence as well as restrictions in equal rights, particularly in rural settings
How to Tackle Mental Health Issues
· There is a dire need for developing psychiatric faculty in teaching hospitals where posts of consultant psychiatrists should be created.
· Mental health Act should be implemented with letter and spirit. Public awareness programs addressing mental health issues should be launched through media.
· If you find yourself vulnerable to any behavioral or mental disorder, make plans with supportive family members and friends.
· Counseling is of utmost importance. For a society to minimize mental issues, it is important for every individual to become an empath or at least a bit responsible.
· If you think that anything is affecting you psychologically, take actions at once, which include treating yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Make time for your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons. Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health.
· Food is another major factor. Be sure to eat nutritious meals, avoid any sort of drugs, drink plenty of water.
· People can also seek help through the NGOs and other clinics which are working to beat mental health issues. In Pakistan, Karachi and Lahore have NGOs named Karwan-e-Hayat, Institute of medical care and Fountain house which are working hard to help people cope with their mental issue.
· Meditation and prayer can improve your state of mind and outlook on life. In fact, research shows that meditation may help you feel calm and improve your mood.
· Spend your time and energy to help someone else. Helping and pacifying others send positive signals to the brain thus releasing the happy hormones, endorphin.
Stress is a part of life. Rectify your perspective about life. And never forget to smile and see the humor in life.
Student at LCWU
3 年Well done! It's really informative
Saleha Batool you guys took a very nice initiative, appreciated. Please let us know if we can provide you any help in this awareness program. It would be great to be a part.
This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!
Student at Lahore College for Women University
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