The Article here, I have tried to explain my thoughts over changes in the field of Human Resources as it is evolving , on its mandatory changes, on its phenomenal recognition over the past decade.

  We are well aware of the exceptional and phenomenal change in every organizational processes and its subsets, change in every perspective towards a work and every other facet contributed by an individual in an organization due to the advancements. Advancements here means two important factors, first is the Technological advancements which directly influence every individual in the way of perceiving and executing a task and the second one is the moral , ethical , attitude changes internally for an individual. These two factors have now contributed and impacted how an organization operates. We all know that the Human Resource for an organization gives life for it to survive, grow and attain its primary cause in an environment and that is why HR is to be disrupted or vulnerable by any change made in the environment.

             I would like to substantiate this change with the implications of Maslow’s Need Theory. From the theory I have perceived that Self Actualization has taken a broader picture in this period of Change as the three fundamental need levels in the Needs Hierarchy are met and now attained a positive saturation in the society. To explain further, in the early 1990’s the LPG Revolution happened in India. India was restructuring the economy and continuous development of the industries in a wide spectrum was made. Back then, its primary focus on improving economy implied providing employments for the population and it was also achieved to a certain extent. So many revolutions like this in various regions primarily compensated and fulfilled the three basic needs in the hierarchy i.e. physiological, safety, belonging-ness and love (fundamentally acquired). And HR field found its importance when one started to identify the Esteem needs necessity for an individual in an organization and its taking a further phase i.e. Self-Actualization needs. It has become too important and tedious for an HR in an organization to uphold the factors of motivation and contribution of an employee because the recognition for a work is perceived as a fundamental need and also an encouraging factor for that individual to perform and get associated with the organization. If that is not met and taken I into a serious picture usually it causes a lot of problems, best example is the attrition and the cost incurred by it for an organization.                                    

I would like to explain further in two main contexts.

·        What are the disruptions in the HR field?

·        How do we label these changes? Innovative?

Context a: An overview on Disruptions on HR

                              I want to consider the positive disruptions pertaining in the HR field because the negative aspects are the primary input for any change and is resolved. Now, we have to substantiate the disruptions on the views of its impact on the methods, tools and technologies involved in the HR processes & practices. I think the following factors have contributed to the impact on the HR field,

·        Advancements in Technology

·        World is Shrinking – Globalization,

·        Peoples’ standard of living has seen growth

                             example – “Quality overlooks Price”.

·        Requirements are not standard.

Advancements in Technology

                                  This factor contributes most on the changes. HR activities were handled by HRs in an organization then Tools which calculate the appraisals, Motivational events and so on. But the changes in technology has contributed in disruptions, best example is the usage of mobile technology and applications which has changed the way a process was seen before i.e. A performance appraisal was a tedious process which lost its actual objective of motivating employees, in a way it contributed to organizational politics and demotivation of other employees. But now applications give a platform to transparently carry out such processes with precisions and value.

World is Shrinking – Globalizations

                  Advancements in the networking field has brought down world to a smaller connected space where it promotes multicultural employee consortium for an organization. This has increased the competency availabilities and the diversity of skills expected and available. This sometimes encourages the Home Country Nationals but often lead to a perception that the foreign employee in an organization has better knowledge. This also has impacts on the communication gap and less integrity inside an organization. As HRs’ in the present scenario the innovations in handling this field is increasing at a phase where again it reflects in the Change.

Peoples’ standard of living has seen growth

              This correlates with the first explanation given by the perceptions on the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy. The living standards of employees have been raised and thus it can be said as people started to move into Self-Actualization level and vice versa. This standard has resulted in the esteem needs such as recognition, dignity, appreciation and motivational factor essential and mandatory for an individual.

Requirements are not standard.

              This statement describes how a basic job specification has taken various dimensions and changed with respect to its requirements. It has been noted that the requirements of a job now has iterative needs. Example, Earlier days usually employment at a managerial level was always assigned by an individual’s experience and the individual had the expertise gained from his\her age but now, employment at the managerial level is prominent and needed for any industry and it is iterative due to the same fact that managers are new. Decentralization is increasing day by day promoting independent decision making.

Context b: How do we label these changes? Innovative?

              So upon these factors discussed changes in HR field has to innovative and is innovation because Technology is innovative so as its procedures and its processes. This gives us various views on the disruptions in the HR field that,

·        Disruptions in HR is unavoidable

·        Disruptions in HR is mandatory and speculative

·       Disruptions are positive and should be iterative

So as HRs we have to be ready and adopting to the changes pertaining in the society , in the organization’s environment and keep us updated on the upcoming technological implications and applications in the HR processes. Also train ourselves not only to understand but gain expertise in those changes so as to ensure Human Resources give the fullest potential. 


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