An innovative AI idea!
Aries Hilton
????????? ???????????????????? ??????????????; ?????????????????????? ???????????? & ???????????????????? ?????????????????? | ex-TikTok | Have A Lucid Dream? | All Views Are My Own. ??
Here is an explanation of the code from start to finish:
This is an explanation of the code snippet from start to finish.
This app is a web 3 React app that can combine generative AI and conversational AI with multiple web searches, code snippet abilities and other abilities. It can do various things, such as:
This app is not for Android or iPhone specifically, but it can run on any browser that supports web 3 and React. It can also be converted into a mobile app using tools such as React Native or Expo.
To develop this app in real life, you need to know more than just how to write and run the code snippet. You also need to know how to:
There are many resources and tutorials that can help you learn how to do these things. For example, you can check out the following links:
To run the code snippet, you need to do the following steps:
Here is a more detailed guide on how to run the code snippet:
npm install web3-react @material-ui/core ethers openai-api googleapis codota-api clarifai
yarn add web3-react @material-ui/core ethers openai-api googleapis codota-api clarifai
2. Copy and paste the code snippet into your App.js file or a separate file and import it. If you use a separate file, make sure to export the App component and import it in your index.js file. For example, if you use a file called Web3App.js, you can do something like this:
// Web3App.js
import React from "react";
import { useWeb3Context } from "web3-react";
// ... rest of the code snippet
export default App;
// index.js
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Web3App from "./Web3App";
????<Web3App />
3. Start your app using npm start or yarn start. This will run your app in development mode and open it in your browser at https://localhost:3000.
4. Open your app in your browser and connect it to a web3 provider such as MetaMask or WalletConnect. You can use the buttons on the UI to do so. Make sure you have an account with some ETH on the mainnet or a testnet.
5. Try out the different buttons and functions of the app. You can interact with smart contracts, generate content, perform web searches, generate code snippets, and use other abilities. You can see the results or errors in the console or on the UI.
To write a complete React component in web 3 for an app that can combine generative AI and conversational AI with multiple web searches, code snippet abilities and other abilities, you could use the following steps:
A possible code snippet for your React component in web 3 could look something like this:
// Import React and web3-react
import React from "react";
import { useWeb3Context } from "web3-react";
// Import other components or libraries
import Button from "@material-ui/core/Button";
import Typography from "@material-ui/core/Typography";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { OpenAI } from "openai-api";
// Define a custom hook that uses useWeb3Context
function useWeb3() {
??const context = useWeb3Context();
??// Handle errors
??if (context.error) {
????console.error("Error!", context.error);
??// Handle chain changed
??React.useEffect(() => {
????if ( && context.chainId !== 1) {
??????alert("Please connect to mainnet!");
??}, [, context.chainId]);
??return context;
// Define a React component
function App() {
??// Use the custom hook
??const { account, library, activate, deactivate } = useWeb3();
??// Define a function that interacts with smart contracts
??async function interactWithContract() {
????// Check if connected
????if (!library || !account) return;
????// Get the contract instance
????const contractAddress
// Get the contract instance
????const contractAddress = "0x..."; // Replace with your contract address
????const contractABI = [...]; // Replace with your contract ABI
????const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, library.getSigner(account));
????// Call a function on the contract
????try {
??????const result = await contract.someFunction(); // Replace with your function name and arguments
??????console.log("Result:", result);
????} catch (error) {
??????console.error("Error:", error);
??// Define a function that uses generative AI and conversational AI
??async function generateContent() {
????// Check if connected
????if (!library || !account) return;
????// Get the OpenAI API key from an environment variable
????const OPENAI_API_KEY = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
????// Create an OpenAI instance
????const openai = new OpenAI(OPENAI_API_KEY);
????// Prompt the user for an input
????const input = prompt("What do you want to generate?");
????// Call the OpenAI API with the input
????try {
??????const result = await openai.complete({
????????engine: "davinci",
????????prompt: input,
????????maxTokens: 100,
????????temperature: 0.9,
????????frequencyPenalty: 0.5,
????????presencePenalty: 0.5,
????????stop: ["\n"],
????} catch (error) {
??????console.error("Error:", error);
??// Define a function that uses multiple web searches
??async function performWebSearches() {
????// Check if connected
?// Define a function that uses multiple web searches
??async function performWebSearches() {
????// Check if connected
????if (!library || !account) return;
????// Get the Google Custom Search API key and engine ID from environment variables
????const GOOGLE_API_KEY = process.env.GOOGLE_API_KEY;
????const GOOGLE_ENGINE_ID = process.env.GOOGLE_ENGINE_ID;
????// Prompt the user for a query
????const query = prompt("What do you want to search?");
????// Call the Google Custom Search API with the query
????try {
??????const result = await fetch(
??????).then((response) => response.json());
??????console.log("Result:", result.items);
????} catch (error) {
??????console.error("Error:", error);
??// Define a function that uses code snippet abilities
??async function generateCodeSnippets() {
????// Check if connected
????if (!library || !account) return;
????// Get the Codota API key from an environment variable
????const CODOTA_API_KEY = process.env.CODOTA_API_KEY;
????// Prompt the user for a language and an example
????const language = prompt("What programming language do you want to use?");
????const example = prompt("What code example do you want to generate?");
????// Call the Codota API with the language and the example
????try {
??????const result = await fetch(
??????????headers: {
????????????"X-Codota-API-Key": CODOTA_API_KEY,
??????).then((response) => response.json());
??????console.log("Result:", result.results);
????} catch (error) {
??????console.error("Error:", error);
??// Define a function that uses other abilities
??async function useOtherAbilities() {
?// Define a function that uses other abilities
??async function useOtherAbilities() {
????// Check if connected
????if (!library || !account) return;
????// Get the Clarifai API key from an environment variable
????const CLARIFAI_API_KEY = process.env.CLARIFAI_API_KEY;
????// Prompt the user for an image URL
????const imageURL = prompt("What image URL do you want to analyze?");
????// Call the Clarifai API with the image URL
????try {
??????const result = await fetch(
??????????method: "POST",
??????????headers: {
????????????Authorization: `Key ${CLARIFAI_API_KEY}`,
????????????"Content-Type": "application/json",
??????????body: JSON.stringify({
????????????inputs: [
????????????????data: {
??????????????????image: {
????????????????????url: imageURL,
??????).then((response) => response.json());
??????console.log("Result:", result.outputs[0].data.concepts);
????} catch (error) {
??????console.error("Error:", error);
??// Return the UI elements based on the web3 context
??return (
????<div className="App">
??????<Typography variant="h4">Web 3 React App</Typography>
??????{account ? (
??????????<Typography variant="h6">Account: {account}</Typography>
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={deactivate}>
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="secondary" onClick={interactWithContract}>
????????????Interact with Contract
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="secondary" onClick={generateContent}>
????????????Generate Content
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="secondary" onClick={performWebSearches}>
????????????Perform Web Searches
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="secondary" onClick={generateCodeSnippets}>
????????????Generate Code Snippets
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="secondary" onClick={useOtherAbilities}>
????????????Use Other Abilities
??????) : (
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={() => activate("injected")}>
????????????Connect with MetaMask
??????????<Button variant="contained" color="primary" onClick={() => activate("walletconnect")}>
????????????Connect with WalletConnect
export default App;
Would you like to collaborate with me on this project?
Send a collaboration pitch!
AI meets NFT's ~ Smart Contracts!
DM me at Aries Hilton to get in touch for proposals!
????????? ???????????????????? ??????????????; ?????????????????????? ???????????? & ???????????????????? ?????????????????? | ex-TikTok | Have A Lucid Dream? | All Views Are My Own. ??
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