CEO/PRESIDENT-Business/Retail. Board of Advisors-IAOIP TEXAS, ex-Raymond,Reliance,Birla.
Innovation is the need of the hour and developing everybody to be innovative will accelerate to overcome the present economic crisis. It is imperative to create a conducive climate and culture for innovation, to germinate, grow and prosper. My own experience as CEO, where I encouraged and implemented innovations in operation and marketing processes and had borne results, makes me confident to say, anybody can develop the Innovation skills provided he decides he wants to do innovation. He has to only start eating, drinking, sleeping and living with Innovation.
The notions concerning the interplay between intelligence and creativity, which assumes that above-average intelligence represents a necessary condition for high-level creativity. The co relation between intelligence and creativity has been subject of empirical research for decades and yet no consensus has been arrived to construct the relationship. Many successful innovators have proved they have, background of modest IQ.
Anyone can sharpen and develop his innovation skills , only he has to makes up his mind and accept, he will bring Innovation. He has to follow the following three steps:
THINK – Whatever one sees and observes he has to think, think creativity, build creativity and implement creativity. One has to start critical thinking to develop creativity in it. Disparate ideas, question and experiment, cohesive and creative thinking, practice dreaming and start floating with it.
TALK – Ideas and creativity can reach the next level provided it is communicated in the right spirit. The process involves getting other people on board. Communicating and collaborating. Story telling is one of the modes to build. Bounce ideas and rework on feedback.
DO – The act of implementing the creative thoughts and ideas. This is the art of getting things done. Follow strategies to implement and problem solving.
To get the three acts in action,
One, has to be ready and have the willingness to change,
Second, one should not live halfway or settling for good enough and
Third, build and assemble an innovative community.
The simple steps to augment:
One has to make a commitment.
One has to choose a skill pathway, where one feels confident and strong
The goal should be clear in one’s mind and he should dream and visualize the success
Actions should be a continuous process and should not get stuck at any place be it planning,
Implementation or execution.
One should not quit, keep the perseverance and persistence spirit on.
Innovation is a process and the result speaks