Innovation Revisited
In 2013 Larry Keeley and his associates published a classic handbook on innovation entitled Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs], John Wiley and Sons. It is still valid, and I often refer people to it when they talk about innovation in terms of magic.
Many would be innovators chasing after the 'innovator' designation find themselves copying approaches that are in fashion or find their way into social network media. For such people I often refer them to Keeley's model of three levels of innovation ambition.
Called CORE Innovation, this universe is comprised of scientific research, verification and the implications of that discovery. Consider the state of medicine before the human organism and its systems were accurately described and measured? Or consider the ability of engineers to calculate motion before and after the development of calculus. Calculus is a core innovation.
2. The Boundaries of What is Known
Known as ADJACENT INNOVATION, boundaries are widened or exploded, when someone realizes implications previously unseen. Imagine how the boundaries of innovation changed once harnessing steam power was achieved. Its applications seemed limitless. The same expansion of boundaries occurred when miniaturization in electronics occurred, and computers evolved from use of tubes to chips and capacitors. Innovation seemed to explode outward across boundaries with great speed.
3. The Institutional Framework of Application
Finally, we come to TRANSFORMATIONAL INNOVATION: CHANGING THE GAME. This third stage of innovation occurs when the access to or methods of use of an innovation create new paths and makes it?available to a greater number of people. The game is changed. An example with which we can all relate is dentistry.
Innovation 1: CORE
Identification of X rays
Innovation 2: BOUNDARIES
Boundary breaking of applications for use in healthcare [teeth, broken bones, etc.]
X-rays in every dentist office.
This has now happened with scanning and display of scans in real time in the dentist office.
Guidance in the process of Innovation can be very useful.